1. 抗疲劳制造技术
2. 材料的微观结构表征及力学性能研究
3. 材料的疲劳失效机理研究
1. 超高强塑性Q-P-T钢超声表面纳米化及疲劳机理研究,国家自然科学基金,主持
2. 高碳δ-Q-P-T钢的可焊性及动态力学性能的关键技术研究,河南省科技厅重点研发与推广专项,主持
3. 透射电镜(TEM)动态拉伸观察、超声表面滚压处理后疲劳试验和残余应力测量,上海交通大学合作项目,主持
4. 高碳δ-Q-P-T低密度钢及其动态压缩性能的研究,郑州大学青年教师培养计划,主持
5. 高端装备关键零部件的极限寿命制造基础理论与方法(U1804254),国家自然科学基金重点项目,主要参与人
6. 关键零部件抗疲劳数值制造,国家超级计算郑州中心创新生态系统建设科技专项,主要参与人
1. Qin Shengwei, et al.Influence of ultrasonic surface rolling on tensile properties of high carbon low alloy quenching -partitioning-tempering steel , Materials Science & Engineering A (895)
2. Qin Shengwei, et al.Influence of cold treatment on fatigue performance of 18CrNiMo7-6 carburized steel, International Journal of Fatigue(183)
3. Qin Shengwei, et al.Effect of Carburizing Process on Bending Fatigue Performance of Notched Parts of 18CrNiMo7-6 Alloy Steel, Engineering Failure Analysis (147)
4. Qin Shengwei, et al.Effect of retained austenite on the fatigue performance of novel high carbon quenching- partitioning-tempering steel, Journal of Central South University 30(07)
5. Qin Shengwei, Zhang Chenghao, et al. Effect of carburizing process on high cycle fatigue behavior of 18CrNiMo7-6 steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology.
6. Qin, Shengwei; Haiyang Ma, et al.. Stress field simulation and its experimental verification of carburizing-quenching process performed on 18CrNiMo7-6 steel . Materials Science.
7. Qin, Shengwei; Liu, Yu , et al. The Mechanism of High Ductility for Novel High-Carbon Quenching-Partitioning-Tempering Martensitic Steel. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A.
8. Qin, Shengwei; Liu, Yu , et al. High carbon microalloyed martensitic steel with ultrahigh strength-ductility. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A.
9. Qin, Shengwei; Liu, Yu , et al. Ultrahigh Ductility, High-Carbon Martensitic Steel. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A.
10. Zhihua Liu; Zhitao Niu; Hongyu Liu; Kang Xu; Shengwei Qin. Simulation of Residual Stress of V-Notch Specimen Treated by Ultrasonic Rolling. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
11. Zhihua Liu; Lingshuo Zheng; Peng Tang; Shengwei Qin. Investigation on surface integrity and process parameter optimisation of carburised 18CrNiMo7-6 steel by induction-heating-assisted ultrasonic surface rolling process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
12. Qin Shengwei; Liu Yu , et al.. Approach and mechanism of toughness enhancement for a high carbon Q-P-T steel. Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering.
13. Liu, Yu; Qin, Shengwei; Hao, Qingguo; Chen, Nailu , et al. Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Verification of Internal Stress of Quenched AISI 4140 Cylinders. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A.
14. Liu, Yu; Qin, Shengwei; Zhang, Jiazhi , et al. Influence of Transformation Plasticity on the Distribution of Internal Stress in Three Water-Quenched Cylinders. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A.
15. Hao, Qingguo; Qin, Shengwei; Liu, Yu , et al. Relation between microstructure and formability of quenching-partitioning-tempering martensitic steel. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A.
16. Hao, Qingguo; Qin, Shengwei; Liu, Yu , et al.Effect of retained austenite on the dynamic tensile behavior of a novel quenching-partitioning-tempering martensitic steel. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A.
17. Zhang Jiazhi; Qin Shengwei; Liu Yu , et al. Effect of Al replacing Si on mechanical properties of high carbon Q-P-T martensitic steels. Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering.
18. 秦盛伟, 张棒等. 18CrNiMo7-6渗碳钢相变塑性系数对残余应力的影响. 表面技术.
19. 秦盛伟, 张玉芳等.18CrNiMo7-6钢渗碳仿真扩散系数模型的研究. 郑州大学学报(工学版).
20. 秦盛伟,赵辉辉. 18CrNiMo7-6钢渗碳淬火后回火过程的数值模拟研究.热加工工艺.
21. 刘玉; 秦盛伟; 左训伟; 陈乃录; 戎咏华. 全淬透圆柱件淬火应力的有限元模拟及实验验. 金属学报.
22. 秦盛伟; 张棒. 比强塑积高于6.0 GPa%gcm-3的高碳低合金低密度钢及其热处理工艺. ZL201910793794.4
23. 左训伟; 秦盛伟; 陈乃录; 戎詠华. 强塑积达50GPa%以上的高碳微合金钢和热处理工艺. ZL201510730748.1