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时间:2016-08-29   阅读次数:



李冠楠  博士,1987年4月








B 物理方面;主要研究味对称性在 B 介子三体两体非轻衰变中的破坏效应,相关分析
可以在寻找实验可观测量 CP 非对称性以及衰变分支比的关系上提供有效的理论预言和实验
帮助。相关理论探索可以很好地运用于 B-重子两体非轻衰变的现象学分析。可以运用 BS 方
法对 B 介子强子谱的求解,对 B 介子半轻子衰变过程进行理论计算。
以解释中微子混合以及 Higgs 衰变到双光子的实验观测值,并且可以分析轻子味破坏过程和
暗物质直接探测实验的限制,并且可以计算 LHC 上可能探测的新粒子的信号。
夸克轻子味物理方面;熟悉夸克混合 CKM 矩阵的不同参数化方法以及中微子的质量
矩阵的不同形式,熟悉基于夸克轻子混合方式的相关理论模型(例如,味对称性 A4 模型 )。
对撞机物理方面;可以运用 MadGraph 以及 pythia 对对撞机上产生的粒子物理信号进

1. Dong Xu, Guan-Nan Li, Xiao-Gang He. Large SU(3) breaking effects and CP violation in B+
decays into three charged SU(3) octed pseudoscalar mesons. Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 29(2014)
1450011 [arXiv:1307.7186[hep-ph]].
2. Dong Xu, Guan-Nan Li, Xiao-Gang He. U-spin analysis of CP violation in B decays into
three charged light pseudoscalar mesons. Phys.Lett.B 728(2014) 579-584
3. Gang Guo, Xiao-Gang he, Guan-Nan Li. Radiative Two Loop Inverse Seesaw and Dark
Matter. JHEP 1210(2012) 044 [arXiv:1207.6308[hep-ph]]; AIP Conf. Proc. 1534, 260 (2013).
4. Guan-Nan Li, Gang Guo, Bo Ren, Ya-Juan Zheng, Xiao-Gang He. Lepton number violation
and h → γγ in a radiative inverse seesaw dark matter model. JHEP 1304(2013) 026
5. Guan-Nan Li, Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Dong Xu, Xiao-Gang he. The α,β and γ parameterizations of
CP violating CKM phase. Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 28(2013) 1350014 [arXiv:1204.1230[hep-ph]].
6. Guan-Nan Li, Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Dong Xu, Xiao-Gang he. The β angle as the CP violating
phase in the CKM matrix. Phys.Lett.B 718(2013) 1454-1456 [arXiv:1301.1078[hep-ph]].
7. Guan-Nan Li, Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Xiao-Gang he. Comment on Reparametrization Invariance of
Quark-Lepton Complementarity. Phys.Lett.B 711(2012) 57-61[arXiv:1112.2371[hep-ph]].
8. Xiao-Gang He, Guan-Nan Li, Dong Xu. SU(3) and isospin breaking effects on B→PPP
amplitudes. Phys.Rev. D 91 (2015) 014029 [arXiv:1410.0476[hep-ph]].
9. Xiao-Gang He, Guan-Nan Li, Ya-Juan Zheng. Probing Higgs Boson CP properties with tth
at the LHC and the 100 TeV pp Collider.
Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 30(2015) 1550156
10. Xiao-Gang He, Guan-Nan Li. Predictive CP Violating Relations for Charmless Two-body
Decays of Beauty Baryons ? b ,0 and ? b . Phys.Lett.B 750(2015) 82-88
11. Guan-Nan Li, Xiao-Gang He. CP violation in neutrino mixing with ? =-? / 2 in A4 Type II
seesaw model. Phys.Lett.B 750(2015) 620-626 [arXiv:1505.01932[hep-ph]].
12. Min He, Xiao-Gang He, Guan-Nan Li. CP-Violating Polarization Asymmetry in Charmless
Two-Body Decays of Beauty Baryons. Phys.Rev. D 92 (2015) 036010
13. Guan-Nan Li, Xiao-Gang He, Min He. Some Predictions of Diquark Model for Hidden
Charm Pentaquark Discovered at the LHCb. arXiv:1507.08252[hep-ph].
(have been accepted by JHEP)






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