From31st May to 11th June, 2015, Professor Nicholas Robert Lemoine, Deanof the Academy of Medical Sciences returned to Zhengzhou Universityto lead and promote the individual work packages required for thedevelopment of the AMS.
On1st June, regardless of the time difference, Professor NicholasRobert Lemoine held the meeting of the Executive Board of AMScomprising the seven Vice-Deans and the Director of the Dean’sOffice to summarize what has been achieved and to develop theoperational plans that need to be implemented in the next phase.Professor Nicholas Robert Lemoine also gave a detailed report to theauthorities of the university.
On2nd June, Professor Lemoine chaired a symposium with 30 young doctorsfrom the affiliated hospitals and had an in-depth discussion withthem. He shared AMS’s vision, concept, research centers andacademic direction with the early career doctors and invited them tojoin the mission of the AMS through partnership and joint working.
From2nd June to 9th June, Professor Lemoine led his administration teamto visit Henan Academy of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences(Zhengzhou University), the Animal Center, the Fifth AffiliatedHospital, Affiliated Luoyang Central Hospital, and Renmin Hospital ofZhengzhou University. Professor Lemoine heard all the reports made bythe senior leaders of the hospitals with great interest and helddiscussions with both the leaders and the staff on clinical servicein the hospitals. He carried many on-site visits as well and learntthe current situation advantages, characteristics and clinicalscientific research of all hospitals. It was particularly encouragingthat many of the junior doctors and scientists took an active part inthe discussions, with many interesting and challenging ideas.Professor Lemoine commended both them and the hospital leaders forcreating such creative environments for research and education.Hence, he gained a clearer understanding of medical education andscientific research across our university and established initialagreement with hospitals in future cooperation in medical research.
On4th June, Professor Lemoine hosted the ‘Academic Leadingand Innovation Forum on Cutting-edge Research, celebrating 1the 5thanniversary of the Merger of Zhengzhou University and ‘FamousTeacher Forum’ and gave a talk on Stratified Medicine and itsimplications for personalised medical treatment.
On5th June, Professor Lemoine participated in the second AdministrationCouncil Meeting of AMS and delivered a speech. He shared the visionand concept of the development of AMS, the progress that has beenmade and plans for future construction and development. All membersof the Administration Council approved the vision and concept of thedevelopment of AMS and unanimously voted to pass the work plan ofAMS.
On10th June, Professor Lemoine held the first series of interviews forrecruitment in accordance with the recruiting procedure approved bythe AMS Administration Council. Eight candidates who are well-knownnationwide with international research and working experience wereinterviewed. Professor Lemoine gave full attention to every candidateand interacted with them in a very professional way. All candidatesgave feedback to the ZZU management that they were impressed byProfessor Lemoine’s breadth and depth of knowledge in theirindividual fields, as well as his team’s competence inmanagement and devotion to the AMS mission.
On11th June, Professor Lemoine chaired the AMS meeting on progress onthe new campus. He allocated detailed key tasks which should becarried out in the near future to individual staff with a specifiedtimeline. He made several requirements with respect to thedevelopment of AMS as follows: firstly, AMS should speed up theconstruction of the three platforms to ensure that they could be putinto use early next year. Secondly, AMS will place advertisements inworld-known journals like Nature to recruit talented individuals in awide variety of biomedical sciences worldwide. Thirdly, AMS shouldcomplete the management structure and its recruitment in order tocarry out all work in a timely and professional manner.
Forten days, Professor Nicholas Robert Lemoine demonstrated motivation,focus and determination to speed up progress in every aspect of theAMS mission. It is a clear demonstration of his great competence inscientific research and management as well as his devotion to AMS. Itis a great credit to his team that such productive links have beencreated so quickly both within the AMS itself but also with theAffiliated Hospitals, and this sense of collegiality and commonpurpose gives confidence for the future.
Actually,Professor Lemoine keeps in close contact with his administration teamon the development of AMS even when he is in the UK or delivering hisinternational roles across the world. Ever since his appointment asDean of AMS, he has drafted the proposal for the management structureand research centers, made the strategy and development plan for thenear future, set up rules and regulations, drawn up measures onpostgraduate administration. With his proposal, AMS has recruited sixof the world’s top scientists as members of the ScientificAdvisory Board. With reference to the facility and experience ofworld top laboratories and the resources available in our university,he has also established the construction plan for the translationalmedical research platform, basic medical research platform and animalcenter together with the list of urgently needed equipment. All theconsiderable effort made by Professor Lemoine and his Executive Teamhas built a solid foundation for the future development of AMS.