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郑州大学外国语与国际关系学院“学科建设年” 暨郑州大学英美文学研究中心系列学术活动

作者: 时间:2024-06-01 点击数:



为了推动“学科建设年”工作,促进郑州大学师生与国内知名专家学者之间的学术交流与合作,推动郑州大学英美文学研究中心和郑州大学外国语与国际关系学院的建设和发展,我中心特别邀请南京大学Leonard Neidorf教授来我院举办学术讲座。欢迎全校师生积极参加!

讲座题目The Oldest Poems in the English Language

主讲人:Leonard Neidorf 南京大学教授

主持人:袁杰 郑州大学博士



内容提要:In this richly illustrated lecture, Professor Leonard Neidorf presents an overview of the oldest poems in the English language. The lecture introduces and contextualizes the corpus of Old English poetry by considering both the content of the poems and the material forms on which they are preserved: sumptuous manuscripts and inscriptions on various physical objects. Connections between the earliest English poems and the history of English language and culture are identified. The visual art of the early medieval period is explored as an aesthetic analogue to Old English poetry. The lecture demonstrates that the “dark ages” are less dark than is commonly thought, and that there is a rich tradition of English literature prior to Shakespeare and Chaucer.

主讲人简介Leonard Neidorf is Professor of English at Nanjing University. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and his B.A. from New York University. He is the author of two monographs—The Art and Thought of the Beowulf Poet (Cornell University Press, 2022) and The Transmission of Beowulf: Language, Culture, and Scribal Behavior (Cornell University Press, 2017)—as well as the editor of three books. In 2020, Neidorf was awarded the Beatrice White Prize by the English Association for his research on medieval literature. Neidorf has published more than 90 papers in A&HCI journals. His work has appeared in a wide range of journals including ELH, Folklore, Neophilologus, Review of English Studies, Tolkien Studies, Journal of Germanic Linguistics, and Nature Human Behaviour. Neidorf is an Associate Editor of English Studies (Taylor & Francis) and the Editor-in-Chief of The Explicator (Taylor & Francis).




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