Patterns of habitat selection and use by Macaca mulatta tcheliensis in sinter and early spring......

作者:swdyyj| 访问量:次|发布时间:2013年12月03日

Abstract: The chosen habitat of any animal species comprises a range of environmental features that provide adequate resources for its continuous survival. Consequently, the criteria of habitat selection by animals, combines a wider spectrum of both environmental and extrinsic factors, with major prerequisites based on food resources, availability of shelter and suitable ethics for procreation. From this study, conducted in winter and early spring, at Mt. Wangwushan area, located
on 35?05 –35?15 N, 112?12 –112?22 E, in Taihangshan Macaque National Nature Reserve (TMNNR), Jiyuan, Henan Province, we show by elaborative results that Macaca mulatta tcheliensis was specifically associated with the following habitat characteristics......

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