Reproductive parameters of female Macaca mulatta tcheliensis in the temperate forest of......

作者:swdyyj| 访问量:次|发布时间:2014年02月07日

Abstract:  The remaining population of Macaca mulatta tcheliensis, approximately 3,000 individuals, is currently confined to the southern region of Mount Taihangshan, northern China. Using data collected from February 2003 to November 2012, we examined female reproductive characteristics in a seasonally food supplemented free‐ranging group of M. m. tcheliensis (Wangwu 1,WW‐1), inhabiting the Taishangshan Macaque National Nature Reserve (TMNNR), Jiyuan, China. Wetested a series of predictions regarding the degree to which M. m. tcheliensis is best considered as a “strict income breeder,” a “relaxed income breeder” or a “capital breeder.” This group......

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