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发布日期:2018-05-31     作者: admin     浏览数:    分享到:


报告题目Harmonic Functions, Capacity, and Mass in General Relativity

报告人:苗子教授(University of Miami, USA




报告内容摘要Given a closed surface S in the Euclidean space, besides its area and the volume it encloses, there is another basic geometric and physical quantity, called the capacity of the surface. Intuitively speaking, the capacity of S is the amount of electric charge that needs to be added to S to raise its electric potential by one unit. Mathematically speaking, it is encoded in the harmonic function that equals one on S and decays to zero at infinity. Beside surfaces in Euclidean spaces, the concept of capacity is also meaningful for surfaces in an asymptotically Euclidean space, which plays a basic role in the study of mathematical general relativity. Given an asymptotically Euclidean space whose boundary models the horizon of black hole, it was first observed by Bray that there exists an inequality between the mass of the space and the capacity of its black hole boundary. In this talk, I will introduce to audiences basic inequalities concerning capacity of surfaces in both the Euclidean space and asymptotically Euclidean spaces.



苗蓬子,河南开封人。1998年北京大学数学系本科毕业,2003年获美国斯坦福大学数学系博士学位,导师Richard Schoen教授。现任美国迈阿密大学数学系副教授。研究方向为微分几何和数学广义相对论。

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