
作者: 时间:2022-09-08 点击数:



长期从事强化传热传质理论及技术研究,入选“河南省青年人才托举工程计划”、“郑州大学青年教师拔尖博士”等。现任河南省制冷学会(新飞)专家工作站专家、中国化工学会会员、中国能源研究会会员、河南省制冷学会会员、河南省电机工程学会会员。在《Applied Energy》、《Fuel》、《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,其中第一/通讯作者20余篇,授权国家专利及软著20余项。参编著作2部。参与制定国家标准1项。作为指导教师指导学生获得2023年全国大学生节能减排大赛二等奖、2022年全国能源动力类专业百篇优秀毕业论文、APMCM亚太地区大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖等荣誉。


基本资料(Basic Information

Ø 出生年月:199111

Ø     贯:河南 南阳

Ø 联系方式:sztang@zzu.edu.cn

Ø 办公地点:新校区理科园化工实验楼三楼309

Ø 学科方向:动力工程及工程热物理

Ø 研究方向:传热强化技术及先进装备、多形态热质传递协同强化、相变储热过程传热传质等


工作经历&教育背景(Work Experience & Educational Background






















《计算流体动力学与传热学》  《微机原理》  《反问题导论及应用》  









科研项目(Research Projects

(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027年,主持

(2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2021-2023年,主持

(3) 河南省重点研发与推广专项-科技攻关,2022-2023年,主持

(4) 河南省青年人才托举工程项目,2021-2023年,主持

(5) 中国博士后科学基金第69批面上资助,2020-2022年,主持

(6) 郑州大学青年教师拔尖博士支持计划,2020-2021年,主持

(7) 横向课题-气化炉烧嘴延寿技术研究,2022,主持


代表性论文(Representative Publications

(1) Yu YS, Xie X, Tang SZ*. Molecular dynamics investigation on seawater desalination mechanism driven by external pressure through porous graphene membranes[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 387: 122595.

(2) Zhang D, Fu L, Tang SZ*, et al. Investigation on the heat transfer performance of microchannel with combined ultrasonic and passive structure[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 233: 121076.

(3) Zhou J, Sun Z, Tang SZ*, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation on CH4 combustion in CO2/O2/N2 atmosphere subjected to electric field[J]. Molecular Simulation, 2023, 49(8): 792-798.

(4) Yu YS, Tang SZ*, Tian H. Prediction of thermal transport properties for Na2CO3/Graphene based phase change material with sandwich structure for thermal energy storage[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 205: 123901.

(5) Tang SZ, Xie X, Zhao Z, et al. Investigation of thermal-hydraulic characteristics in a novel finned tube heat exchanger for flue gas waste heat recovery[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 39: 102392.

(6) Tang SZ, Ding L, Zhou J, et al. Dynamic CFD modeling and evaluation of ash deposition behaviors during Zhundong coal combustion[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 234: 107340.

(7) Tang SZ, Zhou J, Shen C, et al. Thermal performance analysis and optimization of melting process in a buried tube latent heat storage system[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 52: 104863.

(8) Tang SZ, Zhou J, Shen C, et al. Thermal performance analysis and optimization of melting process in a buried tube latent heat storage system[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 52: 104863.

(9) Zhou J, Li S, Tang SZ*, et al. Effect of nanostructure on explosive boiling of thin liquid water film on a hot copper surface: a molecular dynamics study[J]. Molecular Simulation, 2022, 48(3): 221-230.

(10) Zhang D, He Z, Guan J, Tang SZ*, Shen C*. Heat transfer and flow visualization of pulsating heat pipe with silica nanofluid: An experimental study[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 183: 122100.

(11) Tang SZ, Li H, Zhou J, et al. Parametric investigation and correlation development for thermal-hydraulic characteristics of honeycomb 4H-type finned tube heat exchangers[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 199: 117542.

(12) Tang SZ, He Y L, Wang F L, et al. On-site experimental study on fouling and heat transfer characteristics of flue gas heat exchanger for waste heat recovery[J]. Fuel, 2021, 296: 120532.

(13) Zhang D, Zhang F, Tang SZ*, Guo CX, Qin X*. Performance evaluation of cascaded storage system with multiple phase change materials[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 185: 116384.

(14) Tang SZ, Liu ZB, Li MJ, et al. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Fouling and Heat Transfer Performance of a Novel H-type Finned Heat Exchanger[C]//Advances in Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering: Proceedings of 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2019). Springer Singapore, 2021: 629-633.

(15) Tang SZ, Tian HQ, Zhou JJ, et al. Evaluation and optimization of melting performance in a horizontal thermal energy storage unit with non-uniform fins[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 33: 102124.

(16) Tang SZ, He Y, He YL, et al. Enhancing the thermal response of a latent heat storage system for suppressing temperature fluctuation of dusty flue gas[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 266: 114870.

(17) Tang SZ, Li MJ, Wang FL, et al. Fouling potential prediction and multi-objective optimization of a flue gas heat exchanger using neural networks and genetic algorithms[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 152: 119488.

(18) He YL*, Tang SZ, Tao WQ, et al. A general and rapid method for performance evaluation of enhanced heat transfer techniques[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 145: 118780.

(19) Tang SZ, Li MJ, Wang FL, et al. Fouling and thermal-hydraulic characteristics of aligned elliptical tube and honeycomb circular tube in flue gas heat exchangers[J]. Fuel, 2019, 251: 316-327.

(20) Tang SZ, Wang FL, He YL, et al. Parametric optimization of H-type finned tube with longitudinal vortex generators by response surface model and genetic algorithm[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 239: 908-918.

(21) Tang SZ, He YL, Wang FL, et al. Parametric study on fouling mechanism and heat transfer characteristics of tube bundle heat exchangers for reducing fouling considering the deposition and removal mechanisms[J]. Fuel, 2018, 211: 301-311.

(22) Tang SZ, Wang FL, Ren Q, et al. Fouling characteristics analysis and morphology prediction of heat exchangers with a particulate fouling model considering deposition and removal mechanisms[J]. Fuel, 2017, 203: 725-738.

(23) 汤松臻, 韩奎, 周俊杰. 垃圾焚烧炉低温腐蚀机理的分子动力学模拟[J]. 郑州大学学报(工学版), 2023, 44(04): 48-53.

(24) 李火银, 王振亚, 汤松臻*. 独立焦化干熄炉效率分析与改良措施[J]. 中国冶金, 2021, 31(12): 67-72+106.

(25) 汤松臻, 王飞龙, 赵钦新等. 蜂巢式烟气换热器积灰特性及其参数化研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2019, 40(09): 2156-2161.

(26) 汤松臻, 王飞龙, 童自翔等. 烟气余热回收换热器积灰抑制技术研究及参数优化[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2017, 51(09): 19-25.

(27) 何雅玲, 汤松臻, 王飞龙等. 中低温烟气换热器气侧积灰、磨损及腐蚀的研究[J]. 科学通报, 2016, 61(17): 1858-1876.



(1) 何雅玲*, 汤松臻, 陶文铨, 王飞龙, 王睿; 一种用于烟气余热回收的自清灰换热器及采用该换热器的自清灰方法, 2018-01-16, 中国, ZL201610209675.6.

(2) 何雅玲*, 汤松臻, 王飞龙, 裴勇; 一种防积灰、防磨损、防腐蚀的烟气换热器, 2019-03-12, 中国, ZL201611012631.0.

(3) 李明佳, 汤松臻, 王飞龙, 何雅玲, 陶文铨; 一种采用变高度连续凸起的高强度换热翅片, 2020-03-31, 中国, ZL201910440924.6.

(4) 何雅玲*, 汤松臻, 于洋, 谢涛, 童自翔, 刘占斌; 一种热载气温度震荡条件下碳酸盐高温煅烧反应特性的实验装置及测试方法, 2020-05-22, 中国, ZL201811354931.6.

(5) 李明佳, 汤松臻, 苏恺之, 曹锋, 陶文铨; 一种用于空调换热器的异形环管结构翅片, 2020-05-26, 中国, ZL201811630711.1.

(6) 李明佳, 汤松臻, 王飞龙, 何雅玲, 陶文铨; 一种采用双向离散凸起的高强度换热翅片, 2020-06-12, 中国, ZL201910440956.6.

(7) 何雅玲*, 汤松臻, 刘占斌, 于洋, 谢涛, 杨卫卫; 一种移动床高温煅烧反应的模拟实验装置及测试方法, 2020-08-25, 中国,  ZL201811354910.4.

(8) 何雅玲*, 陶文铨, 汤松臻, 张凯, 李明佳; 一种强化换热表面综合性能评价方法, 2021-11-16, 中国, ZL201811355689.4.

(9) 汤松臻, 周俊杰, 郑艳君. 一种用于含尘废气的余热回收装置及吹灰方法, 中国, ZL202110931209.X(发明专利已授权)

(10) 汤松臻, 周俊杰, 郑艳君. 一种换热板及使用该换热板的交叉流板式换热器, 中国, CN202110930244.X(实用新型已授权)

(11) 汤松臻, 唐秋林, 周俊杰, 刘自涛, 刘广飞. 一种五通道工艺烧嘴. CN202111067508.X. (实用新型已授权)

(12) 汤松臻, 唐秋林, 周俊杰, 刘自涛, 刘广飞. 一种四通道工艺烧嘴. CN202111067514.5. (实用新型已授权)


招生计划(Enrollment Plan





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