
作者: 时间:2020-05-04 点击数:


王定标男,浙江省杭州人,教授,博士生导师。日本东京大学、澳大利亚阿德莱德大学、美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校访问学者。现任郑州大学机械与动力工程学院党委书记,热能系统节能技术与装备教育部工程研究中心主任,新能源清洁利用技术与节能装备河南省国际联合实验室主任。兼任中国能源学会副理事长,中国化工节能技术协会常务理事,中国高等学校工程热物理学会理事,中国制冷学会高级会员,河南省节能专家,河南省科技创新人才,河南省优势特色学科特聘教授,河南省重点学科“动力工程及工程热物理”带头人,Int. Com. Heat and Mass Transfer、Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer、化工学报、高校化学工程学报等国际国内学术期刊审稿人。

联系电话0371-67781232 手机18603713950

E-mail:  wangdb@zzu.edu.cnwangdbxs@gmail.com




3.过程装备CAD/ CAE/CFD/TO(拓扑优化)技术;







1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21576245,基于流体拓扑优化方法的新型换热器强化传热和流动减阻机理研究,2016-012019-1265万元,主持

2. 国家科学技术部,国家国际科技合作项目,2008DFA70920,钛合金工具加工工艺及装备研究,2007-062010-12130万元,主持

3. 河南省科技厅,公益性科技攻关项目,081100910100,合成氨生产节能降耗共性关键技术研究及示范,2008-012010-12130万元,主持

4. 河南省科技厅,创新人才计划项目,124100510020,新型自支撑凸胞板式换热器的研究与开发,2012-012014-1230万元,主持

5. 浙江创立汽车空调有限公司,横向项目,20190055A,新能源汽车高效能CO2空调系统技术研发,2019-012020-1250万元,主持


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[2] Han Yong ;Wang Dingbiao* ;Zhang Cancan ;Zhu Youjian. The entransy degeneration and entransy loss equations for the generalized irreversible Carnot engine system. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2017,106895 – 907

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[4] Guanghui Wang, Dingbiao Wang*, Xu Peng, Luole Han, Sa Xiang, Fei Ma. Experimental and numerical study on heat transfer and flow characteristics in the shell side of helically coiled trilobal tube heat exchangerApplied Thermal Engineering2019,149: 772-787

[5] Guanghui Wang, Dingbiao Wang*, Jing Deng, Yiming Lyu, Yuanshuai Pei, Sa Xiang. Experimental and numerical study on the heat transfer and flow characteristics in shell side of helically coiled tube heat exchanger based on multi-objective optimizationInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2019,137: 349-364

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[8] Xu Peng; Dingbiao Wang*; Guanghui Wang; Yushen Yang; Sa XiangNumerical investigation on the heating performance of a transcritical CO2 vapor injection heat pump systemApplied Thermal Engineering2020Vol.166

[9] Guanghui Wang; Talib Dbouk; Dingbiao Wang*; Yuanshuai Pei; Xu Peng; Honglin Yuan; Sa XiangExperimental and numerical investigation on hydraulic and thermal performance in the tube-side of helically coiled-twisted trilobal tube heat exchangerInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences 153 (2020) 106328

[10] Cancan Zhang, Dingbiao Wang*, Kun Ren, Yong Han, Youjian Zhu, Xu Peng, Jing Deng, Xiying Zhang . A comparative review of self-rotating and stationary twisted tape inserts in heat exchanger. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53 (2016) 433–449 

[11] Youjian Zhu; Patrycja Piotrowska; Philip J. van Eyk; Dan Boström; Xuehong Wu; Christoffer Boman; Dingbiao Wang*; Andrew J. Cole; Rocky de Nys; Francesco G. Gentili; Peter J. Ashman.  Fluidized Bed Co-gasification of Algae and Wood Pellets:  Gas Yields and Bed Agglomeration AnalysisENERGY & FUELS 2016 Vol.30 No.3 P1800-1809 

[12] Cancan Zhang, Dingbiao Wang*, Kun Ren, Yong Han, Youjian Zhu, Xu Peng, Jing Deng, Xiying Zhang. A comparative review of self-rotating and stationary twisted tape inserts in heat exchanger, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2015, 53 :433–449 

[13] Cancan Zhang, Dingbiao Wang*, Youjian Zhu, Yong Han, Jinxing Wu, Xu Peng. Numerical study on heat transfer and flow characteristics of a tube fitted with double spiral spring, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 94: 18-27 

[14] Youjian Zhu, Chi Wai Kwong, Philip J. van Eyk, Rocky de Nys, Dingbiao Wang*, Peter J. Ashman. Pyrolysis Characteristics and Char Reactivity of Oedogonium sp. And Loy Yang Coal, Energy Fuels, 2015, 29:50475055 

[15] Youjian Zhu, Patrycja Piotrowska, Philip J. van Eyk, Dan Boström, Chi Wai Kwong, Dingbiao Wang*, etal. Cogasification of Australian Brown Coal with Algae in a Fluidized Bed Reactor, Energy Fuels, 2015, 29: 16861700 

[16] 董永申, 王定标* 向飒, 夏春杰。倾斜螺旋片强化的套管换热器数值模拟,浙江大学学报(工学版) 2015,(2):309-314 

[17] 张灿灿,王定标*,韩勇,夏春杰. 基于火积耗散热阻的新型蜂窝板式换热器性能分析,化工学报,201667S1):111-116

[18] 王定标,邓靜,张灿灿,张喜迎,董桢,谷帆江. 螺旋缠绕波节管传热与流动性能分析, 化工进展, 35(7): 1994-1999

[19] 王定标,谷帆江,向飒,邓静,郑梦欣,董桢,张喜迎. 螺旋内肋扭曲管换热与流阻性能研究, 压力容器,332):25-29

[20] 张灿灿,王定标*,韩勇,董永申. 梭形和圆形板式换热器相变换热性能研究, 高校化学工程学报, 201630(4):786-790

[21] 王定标,苏震,史兆臣,李国平,王军雷. 基于等效电路法的变三角截面驰振压电能量收集研究,固体力学学报,2019,405):441-450

[22] 王光辉, 王定标*, 彭旭, 向飒, 王雪东, 王晓亮. 凹凸板的传热流阻特性及其多目标优化;工程热物理学报;2019,40(01):143-149

[23] 杨雨燊, 王定标*, 靳遵龙, 彭旭, 王光辉. 热泵空调用冷凝器的匹配设计与仿真分析;低温与超导;2019,47(05):43-48+59 

[24] 裴元帅,王定标*,王光辉,王晓亮,袁洪琳。 恒定压降下电子元件热沉的拓扑优化设计,低温与超导 2020 1 , P56-61

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