
作者: 时间:2022-12-16 点击数:


长期从事能源高效转换理论及技术研究,入选中原英才计划-中原青年博士后创新人才、郑州大学青年骨干教师、郑州大学青年人才企业合作创新团队、郑州大学青年教师拔尖博士等人才支持计划。任教育部相关人才通讯评审专家、中国制冷学会产学融合服务平台专家,在《Energy Conversion & Management》、《Energy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI20篇,授权国家专利及软著十余项。作为指导教师指导学生在全国大学生节能减排大赛中获奖,指导多名本科生获得大学生创新创业训练项目立项。

基本资料(Basic Information





工作经历&教育背景(Work Experience & Educational Background
















科研项目(Research Projects

(1) 中国博士后科学基金第17批特别资助,中国博士后科学基金会,2024-2026年,主持

(2) 中国博士后科学基金第74批面上资助,中国博士后科学基金会,2023-2025年,主持

(3) 中原英才计划-中原青年博士后创新人才资助,河南省人社厅,2022-2024年,主持

(4) 河南省留学人员科研择优资助,河南省人社厅,2022-2024年,主持

(5) 河南省重点研发与推广专项-科技攻关,河南省科技厅,2021-2023年,主持

(6) 中国博士后科学基金第2批站前特别资助,中国博士后科学基金会,2020-2022年,主持

(7) 中国博士后科学基金第67批面上资助,中国博士后科学基金会,2020-2022年,主持

代表性论文(Representative Publications

(1) Zhang D, Yang X, Li H*, et al. 4E analysis and parameter study of a solar-thermochemical energy storage CCHP system [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 301: 118002. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(2) Zhang D, Fang C, Gao Z, Wang X, Shen C, Li H*. Energy, environmental and economic assessment of wastewater heat recovery systems in hotel buildings [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 222: 119949. (中科院二区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(3) Li Y, Li H*, Wu C et al. Proposal and preliminary experimental investigation on a novel efficient integrated system of combined refrigeration, heating, and hot water supply [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 253: 115170. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(4) Tang S, Ding L, Zhou J, Shen B*, Li H*. Dynamic CFD modeling and evaluation of ash deposition behaviors during Zhundong coal combustion [J]. Fuel Process Technology, 2022, 234: 107340. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(5) Zhang GWang X, Pourranjbar D, Li H*, Chen J*. The comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the latent heat, entrainment ratio, and ejector performance under different superheating degree conditions considering the non-equilibrium condensation [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 200: 117701. (中科院二区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(6) Li HLi Y, Wang J, et al. Optimization research on the off-design characteristics of partial heating supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle in the landfill gas exhaust heat utilization system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 199: 117585. (中科院二区SCITop期刊,第一作者)

(7) Tang S, Li H, Zhou J, Li H*, Zhang D*. Parametric investigation and correlation development for thermal-hydraulic characteristics of honeycomb 4H-type finned tube heat exchangers[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 199: 117542. (中科院二区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(8) Qin X, Wang D, Jin Z, Wang J, Zhang G*, Li H*. A comprehensive investigation on the effect of internal heat exchanger based on a novel evaluation method in the transcritical CO2 heat pump system[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021, 178: 574-586. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(9) Li H, Fan G, Cao L, et al. [J]. A comprehensive investigation on the design and off-design performance of supercritical carbon dioxide power system based on the small-scale lead-cooled fast reactor[J]. Journal of cleaner production, 2020, 256: 120720. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,第一作者)

(10) Zhang G, Dykas S, Li P, Li H*, Wang J*. Accurate condensing steam flow modeling in the ejector of the solar-driven refrigeration system[J]. Energy, 2020, 212: 118690. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(11) Wang J, Zhang C, Gu S, Yang K*, Li H*, Lai Y, Yurchenko D. Enhancement of low-speed piezoelectric wind energy harvesting by bluff body shapes: Spindle-like and butterfly-like cross-sections[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 103: 105898. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(12) Zhang G, Dykas S, Yang S, Zhang X, Li H*, Wang J*.Optimization of the primary nozzle based on a modified condensation model in a steam ejector[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 171: 115090. (中科院二区SCITop期刊,通讯作者)

(13) Zhang C, Sun C, Li H*, Zhou J*. Blank roasting kinetics of illite type vanadium bearing stone coal[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(4): 7363-7369. (中科院二区SCI,权威期刊,通讯作者)

(14) Li H, Jin Z, Yang Y, et al. Preliminary conceptual design and performance assessment of combined heat and power systems based on the supercritical carbon dioxide power plant [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 199: 111939. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,第一作者)

(15) Li H, Xu M, Yan X, et al. Preliminary conceptual exploration about performance improvement on supercritical CO2 power system via integrating with different absorption power generation systems[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 173: 219-232. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,第一作者)

(16) Li H, Su W, Cao L, et al. Preliminary conceptual design and thermodynamic comparative study on vapor absorption refrigeration cycles integrated with a supercritical CO2 power cycle[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 161: 162-171. (中科院一区SCITop期刊,第一作者)

(17) Li H, Yang Y, Cheng Z, et al. Study on off-design performance of transcritical CO2 power cycle for the utilization of geothermal energy[J]. Geothermics, 2018, 71: 369-379. (中科院二区SCI,权威期刊,第一作者)

(18) Li H, Wang M, Wang J, et al. Exergoeconomic analysis and optimization of a supercritical CO2 cycle coupled with a Kalina cycle[J]. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2017, 143(2), 1-7. (中科院三区SCI,权威期刊,第一作者)

(19) Li H, Hu D, Wang M, et al. Off-design performance analysis of Kalina cycle for low temperature geothermal source[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 107:728-737.中科院二区SCITop期刊,第一作者


(1) 李航, 李玉夺, 马新灵, 靳遵龙, 王定标. 一种带发电功能的二氧化碳跨临界补气增焓系统[P]. ZL 202110109132.8. (发明专利授权)

(2) 李航, 李玉夺, 曹艺, 王定标. 一种耦合喷射器的双机类双级压缩制冷系统[P]. ZL 202221848637.2. (实用新型授权)

(3) 李航, 曹艺, 王定标, 李玉夺. 一种可进行单双级切换的带喷射器的制冷循环系统[P]. ZL 202221875825.4. (实用新型授权)

(4) 李航, 李玉夺, 马新灵, 刘华东, 孟祥睿, 靳遵龙, 王定标. 生物质能耦合太阳能实现冷、热、电三联供的循环系统[P]. ZL 202120223931.3. (实用新型授权)

(5) 李航, 李玉夺. 一种跨临界二氧化碳双级压缩系统[P]. ZL 202120038718.5. (实用新型授权)

(6) 李航, 李玉夺, 马新灵, 孟祥睿, 刘华东, 靳遵龙, 王定标. 利用合成氨工业余热的冷电联供系统[P]. ZL 202120223678.1. (实用新型授权)

(7) 李航, 李玉夺. 一种带喷射器的跨临界二氧化碳复叠实验系统[P]. ZL 202120038717.0. (实用新型授权)

招生计划(Enrollment Plan




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