
作者:化学与分子工程学院 时间:2006-09-30 点击数:

化学生物学重点实验室是于2001年9月在校科研处、人事处、化学系及各部门大力支持和关怀下,在赵玉芬院士的指导下同清华大学、厦门大学合作建立起来的,现有生物实验室、化学生物研究室、药物化学研究室、生命起源研究室、核酸化学研究室、生命有机磷化学研究室、多肽化学研究室、色谱研究室、液质联用研究室、光谱研究室、核磁共振研究室、计算化学研究室及报告厅、工作室共21间,总建筑面积1000平方米,其中实验室建筑面积600平方米,现有固定资产400万元。其中投资200万元购置了Bruker Esquir-3000电喷雾离子肼质谱仪,该仪器不仅满足本研究室科研的需要,还对外开展样品测试服务。




学术专著2部,译著1部,编撰教材2部;发表学术论文47 篇,其中国内核心期刊41篇,国际国内会议论文14篇,被SCI收录发表论文14篇。

1. Study on the Nature of Phosphorylated Chrysin-Protein Interactions Involved Complex Formation by Electrospray Ionization by Electrospry Ionization by Electrosproy Ionization Mass Spectrometry;Analytical Chemistry,November 13,2003

2. Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometric Studies of all twenty N-phosphoryl Amino Acids, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2003, 17(19):2237-2240

3. Ligand Exchange Between penta-Coordinated Phosphoryl Serine and Histidine Compounds,Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2003,中国化学,21(12):1647—1651

4. Analysis of Hydrolysis Reaction of N-Phosphoryl Phenylalanine by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS,Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry,2003(23),387

5. Direct Observation of Non-covalent Complexes for Phosphorylated Flavonoid protein Interaction by ESI. Chinese Chemical Letters (1) (accepted)

6. Synthesis of Novel Phosphoric Ester Flavone And Isoflavone By Atheron-Todd Reaction.Synthetic Communiocation, Synthetis Communiocation,34,3,481-487

7. Direct observation of non-covalent complexes formed through phosphorylated-

flavonoid protein interaction by electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy. Supramolecular (1)(accepted).

8. “Pendant-armed Unsymmetrical Aza-macrocycles: Syntheses Coordination Behavior and Crystal Structure of a Dinuclear Cadmium Complex”

9. “Liquid Membrane Transport Behavior of Functionl Substituted Crown Ethers for forAmino Acids”, Chinese Chemical Letters Vol.13,No.10,pp 1003-1004,2002

10.“Monitoring the synthetic reaction of a polyamide/peptide conjugate using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry” Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2003; 17: 825?831

11.Constrution and Analysis of N-phosphoryl Peptide Libraies. 2003,Chinese Chemical letters (in press)

12. Electrospray ionization mass spectra of monoimidazole/polyamine conjugate,Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,2002,17:1927-1930

13. Studies on the Reaction of Salicylic Acid with Dialkyl Phophite By Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and 31PNMR,Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry,2003(23),381

14. Amino-catalyzed hydrolysis of amides and esters in the fragmentation by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry using an ion trap Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2003; 17: 1927?1930

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