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郑州大学嵩山论坛——名师学人讲座第三十讲邀请鲁汶大学汉学系副教授Mario Cams(康言)作学术讲座,欢迎广大师生踊跃参加!


报告题目:Imagining the Qing Dynasty as a Eurasian Empire: The Making of Qing Court Mapsca. 1685-1785


主讲人:Mario Cams鲁汶大学汉学系副教授)







Whereas the late Ming book market had supported a public discourse on imperial and even world geography, the early Qing court sought to fully control spatial narratives. In this spirit, the Kangxi emperor personally directed efforts to integrate divergent practices of measuring space in the 1690s. In the early 1700s, he subsequently ordered the commencement of land surveys that involved the participation of European Jesuit missionaries known for their mathematical skills. This resulted in the production of an atlas as well as an enormous multi-sheet map, in different editions. In the following decades, the Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors continued Kangxi’s quest to map the expanding Qing empire. This talk dissects the strategies and practices deployed in the production of these atlases and maps by investigating the cognitive, social, and material aspects of their production.





下一篇:【讲座预告】郑州大学嵩山论坛——名师学人讲座第三十五讲、“外国专家大讲堂”:Reimagining the World: When Geometric Drawing and Administrative Drawing Intersect (circa 1555-1655)