2015.01-- 教授。
目前担任《数学评论》评论员,J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 期刊的编辑。
1.国家自然科学青年基金项目,谱变换在非线性可积方程初边值问题中的应用, 2011.01-2013.13,主持,已结题。
2.国家自然科学面上基金项目,反谱变换方法在离散可积系统中的应用, 2015.01-2018.12,主持,已结题。
[1] Chen Jinbing, Zhu junyi, Geng Xianguo, Darboux Transformations to (2+1) -Dimensional Lattice Systems, Chinese Physics Letters 22 (2005) 1825-1828.
[2] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, Miura Transformation for the TD Hierarchy, Chinese Physics Letters 23 (2006) 1-3.
[3]Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, The Generalized version of Dressing Method with Applications to AKNS Equations, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 13 (2006) 81-89.
[4] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, Darboux Transformation for Tzitzeica Equation, Communications in Theoretical Physics 45 (2006) 577-580.
[5] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, Solution of Gauss-Codazzi Equation with applications in the Tzitzeica equation, Chinese Physics Letters 23 (2006) 2885-2887.
[6] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, The Generaliazed of Dressing method with Applications to Variable-coefficient coupled KP Equations, Chaos Soliton & Fractal, 31 (2007) 1143-1148.
[7] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, A New Integrable Symplectic Map of Neumann Type, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 47 (2007) 577-581
[8] Geng, Xianguo, Dai, Huihui, Zhu, Junyi,Decomposition of the Discrete Ablowitz-Ladik Hierarchy,Studies in Applied Mathematics, 118 (2007) 281-312.
[9] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, Algebro-geometric constructions of the (2+1) -dimensional differential-difference equation, Physics Letters A, 368 (2007) 464-469.
[10] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, A New Integrable Symplectic Map of Bagmann Type, Acta Physica Polonica B, 39 (2008) 1783-1794.
[11] Lou Yan, Zhu Junyi, Coupled NLS type equations and the Miura transformation, Chinese Physics Letters 28 (2011) 090202.
[12] Zhu Junyi, Li Zhen, Dressing method for a generalized focusing NLS equation via local Riemann–Hilbert problem. Acta Physica Polonica B, 42 (2011) 1893-1904.
[13] Shan Xiaoying, Zhu Junyi, The Mikhauilov–Novikov–Wang Hierarchy and Its Hamiltonian Structures, Acta Physica Polonica B, 43 (2012) 1953-1964.
[14] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, A hierarchy of coupled evolution equations with self-consistent sources and the dressing method, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 46 (2013) 035204.
[15] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, The Dbar-Dressing Method for the Sasa-Satsuma Equation with Self-Consistent Sources, Chinese Physics Letters,30 (2013) 080204.
[16] Zhu Junyi, Zhou Dewen, Yang Juanjuan, A New Solution to the Hirota– Satsuma Coupled KdV Equations by the Dressing Method, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 60 (2013) 266-268.
[17] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo,The AB equations and the Dbar-dressing method in semi-characteristic coordinates, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 17 (2014) 49-65.
[18] Zhu Junyi, Zhou Dewen, Geng Xianguo, Dbar-problem and Cauchy matrix for the mKdV equation with self-consistent sources, Physica Scripta 89 (2014) 065201
[19] Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, The Dbar-dressing method and a coupled dispersionless equation, 28 (2014)140-149.
[20] Kuang Yonghui, Zhu Junyi, A three-wave interaction model with self-consistent sources: the Dbar-dressing method and solutions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 426 (2015) 783-793.
[21] Zhu Junyi, KuangYonghui, Cusp solitons to the long-short waves equation and the dbar-dressing method method, Report on Mathematical physics, 75 (2015) 199-211.
[22] Geng Xianguo, Liu, Huan, Zhu, Junyi, Initial-Boundary Value Problems for the Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation on the Half-Line, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 135 (2015) 310-346.
[23] Kuang Yonghui,Zhu Junyi, The higher-order soliton solutions for the coupled Sasa–Satsuma system via the ∂-dressing method, Applied Mathematics Letters,66 (2017) 47–53.
[24] Nie Hui, Zhu Junyi, Geng Xianguo, Trace formula and new form of N-soliton to Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 8 (2018) 415-426.
[25] Zhu Junyi, Wang Linlin, Kuznetsov-Ma solution and Akhmediev breather for TD equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 67 (2019) 555-567.
[26] Zhu Junyi Zhu, Wang Linlin, Geng Xianguo, Riemann-Hilbert approach to the TD equation with nonzero boundary condition, Frontiers of Mathematics in China,13 (2018) 1245-1265.
[27] Zhu Junyi, Wang Linlin, Qiao Zhijun, Inverse spectral transform for the Ragnisco-Tu equation with Heaviside initial condition, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 474 (2019) 452-466.
[28] Xiao Zhixing, Li Kang,Zhu Junyi, Multiple-pole solutions to a semi-discrete modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. Advances in Mathematical Physics, (2019) 5468142.
[29] Zhu Junyi, Ma Xinxin, Qiao Zhijun, Spectral analysis of generalized Volterra equation, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 14 (2019) 1063-1075.
[30] Zhu Junyi, Zhou sishou, Qiao zhijun, Forced (2+1)-dimensional discrete
three-wave equation, Communications in Theoretical Physics,72 (2020) 015004.
[31] Wang Xueru, Zhu Junyi, Broer-Kaup system with corrections via inverse scattering transform, Advances in Mathematical Physics, (2020) 7859897
[32] Wang Linlin, Song Caiqin, Zhu Junyi,Two-component integrable generalized Ragnisco-Tu equation without solitons, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 205 (2020) 1303.
[33] Zhen Yanpei, Wang Xiaodan, Zhu Junyi, Toda lattice with corrections via inverse scattering transform, Modern Physics Letters B, 35 (2021) 2150084
[34] Wang Xueru, Zhu Junyi, Qiao Zhijun, New solutions to the differential-difference KP equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 113 (2021) 106836.
[35] Zhu Junyi , Wang Xueru, Broer-Kaup system revisit: Inelastic interaction and
blowup solutions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 496 (2021) 124794.
[36] Wang Xueru, Zhu Junyi, Dbar-approach to coupled nonlocal NLS equation and general nonlocal Reduction, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 148 (2022) 433-456.
[37] Zhu Junyi, Shao Kaiwen, Wang Xueru, Extended KP equation and solutions with special properties, Wave Motion, 115 (2022) 103051.
[38] Xu Yadi, Zhu Junyi, A new coupled differential–difference KP type system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 167 (2023) 113107.
[39] Zhu Junyi, Shao Kaiwen, Qiao Zhijun, Dbar-approach for an extended coupled nonlocal dispersionless system, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 30 (2023) 578-599.
[40] Ma, Xinxin; Zhu, Junyi, Riemann-Hilbert problem and N-soliton solutions for the n-component derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 120 (2023) 107147
[41] Zhu Junyi, Jiang Xueling and Wang Xueru, Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions revisited: Dbar approach, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 13 (2023) 51
[42] Ma, Xinxin; Zhu, Junyi, Inverse scattering transform for the two-component Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation with nonzero boundary conditions: dark-dark solitons,Studies in Applied Mathematics,151 (2023) 676-715.
[43] Li Shujuan, Zhu Junyi, Guo Xiangqian, Simple Heisenberg-Virasoro modules from Weyl algebra modules, Journal of Algebra 638 (2024) 682–719.
[44] Yao Chenyang, Zhu Junyi, Wang Xueru, Relative voltage and current for the self-dual network equation characterized by Dbar data, Physics Letters A 499 (2024) 129359.