1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,2024.1-2027.12,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,2018.1-2020.12,主持,已结题。
3. 河南省自然科学基金-面上项目,2022.1-2023.12,主持,已结题。
4. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目,2018.1-2019.12,主持,已结题。
1. 在国际上获得“Wiley China Excellent Author Program”称号,2024年
2. 河南省教育厅优秀科技论文奖一等奖,2023年
3. 河南省第四届自然科学学术奖学术论文二等奖,2018年
1. Jikun Zhao*, Haofei Jian, Wenhao Zhu and Bei Zhang, A Medius Error Analysis for Interior Penalty Virtual Element Method for the Biharmonic Problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, 103, Article number: 11, 2025.
2. Jikun Zhao*, Shipeng Mao, Bei Zhang and Fei. Wang. The interior penalty virtual element method for the biharmonic problem. Mathematics of Computation, 92(342): 1543–1574, 2023.
3. Jikun Zhao*, Tianle Wang and Bei Zhang, The Stabilized Nonconforming Virtual Element Method for Linear Elasticity Problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, 92, Article number: 68, 2022.
4. Jikun Zhao* and Bei Zhang, The curl-curl conforming virtual element method for the quad-curl problem, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 31(8): 1659-1690, 2021.
5. Meng Li, Jikun Zhao*, Nan Wang and Shaochun Chen, Conforming and nonconforming conservative virtual element methods for nonlinear Schrödinger equation: A unified framework, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 380, Article number: 113793, 2021.
6. Fei Wang and Jikun Zhao*, Conforming and nonconforming virtual element methods for a Kirchhoff plate contact problem, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 41: 1496-1521, 2021.
7. Jikun Zhao*, Bei Zhang, Shipeng Mao and Shaochun Chen, The nonconforming virtual element method for the Darcy–Stokes problem, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 371, Article number: 113251, 2020.
8. Jikun Zhao*, Bei Zhang, Shipeng Mao and Shaochun Chen, The divergence-free nonconforming virtual element for the Stokes problem, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 57(6): 2730-2759, 2019.
9. Bei Zhang, Jikun Zhao*, Yongqin Yang and Shaochun Chen, The nonconforming virtual element method for elasticity problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 378: 394-410, 2019.
10. Jikun Zhao*, Bei Zhang, Shaochun Chen and Shipeng Mao, The Morley-Type Virtual Element for Plate Bending Problems, Journal of Scientific Computing, 76, 610–629, 2018.
11. Jikun Zhao*, Shaochun Chen and Bei Zhang, The nonconforming virtual element method for plate bending problems, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 26(9), 1671–1687, 2016.