1999. 09-2003. 06,河南师范大学,数学与信息科学学院,本科
2003. 09-2006. 06,河南师范大学,数学与信息科学学院,硕士
2006. 07-2009. 09,河南师范大学,数学与信息科学学院,助教
2009. 10-2012. 09,日本佐贺大学,数学系,博士
2013. 01-2023.02,郑州大学,数学与统计学院,讲师
2023. 03-至今,郑州大学,数学与统计学院,副教授
1. Xingxiao Li and Xuerong Qi, A note on some metrics on tangent bundles and unit tangent sphere bundles, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, 2008, 28(4): 829-838.
2.Xingxiao Li and Xuerong Qi, A decomposition theorem of Kähler manifolds with constant Ricci eigenvalues, Advances in Mathematics (China), 2009, 4:27-34.
3. Guangyue Huang, Xingxiao Li and Xuerong Qi, Estimates on the first twobuckling eigenvalues on spherical domains, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2010, 60 (5): 714-719.
4. Qing-Ming Cheng, Xingxiao Li and Xuerong Qi, A classification of hypersurfaces with parallel para-Blaschke tensor in
, International Journal of Mathematics, 2010, 21(3): 297-316.
5. Hejun Sun and Xuerong Qi, Eigenvalue estimates for quadratic polynomial operator of the Laplacian, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2011, 53: 321-332.
6. Qing-Ming Cheng and Xuerong Qi, Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds, International Journal of Mathematics, 2012, 23(7), 1250067, 20 pp.
7. Hejun Sun and Xuerong Qi, Universal inequalities for eigenvalues of quadratic polynomial operator of the Kohn Laplacian, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 2012, 12(3): 559-569.
8. Qing-Ming Cheng, Xuerong Qi and Guoxin Wei, A lower bound for eigenvalues of the poly-Laplacian with arbitrary order, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2013, 262, 35-47.
9. Xuerong Qi, Linfeng Cao, Xingxiao Li, New hyper-Kähler structures on tangent bundles, Communications in Mathematics, 2014, 22,13-30.
10. Guangyue Huang,Xuerong Qi,HongjuanLi, Estimates for eigenvalues of L_r operator on self-shrinkers,International Journal of Mathematics, 2017, 28 (13), 1750097, 18 pp.
11. Qing-Ming Cheng, Xuerong Qi, Qiaoling Wang and Changyu Xia,Inequalities for eigenvalues of the buckling problem of arbitrary order, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 2018,197,211–232.
12. Huang, Guangyue, Qi, Xuerong,Estimates for eigenvalues of the operator L_r,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 507 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 125739, 13 pp.
13. Yin, Jiabin, Qi, Xuerong,Sharp estimates for the first eigenvalue of Schrödinger operator in the unit sphere,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), no. 7, 3087–3101.
14. Qi, Xuerong, Wang, Zhaoxia,Eigenvalue inequalities for the buckling problem of the drifting Laplacian,Math. Nachr. 296 (2023), no. 2, 840–852.