姓名:何豪 职称:副教授 最终学历:博士
1.Yandi Zhu, Ke Zhao, Jinlei Shi, Xiaoyan Ren, Xingju Zhao, Yuan Shang, Xinlian Xue, Haizhong Guo, Xiangmei Duan, Hao He*, Zhengxiao Guo and Shunfang Li*, Strain Engineering of a Defect-Free, Single-Layer MoS2 Substrate for Highly Efficient Single-Atom Catalysis of CO Oxidation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 32887 (2019).
2.Zhaoguang Ding, Qiang Zhang, Yanhua Chen, Gaozhan Liu, Xing Xin, Hao He*, Bin Cai, Jinghua Wu* and Xiayin Yao, PEDOT-PSS coated VS2 nanosheet anodes for high rate and ultrastable lithium-ion batteries, New Journal of Chemistry, 43, 1681 (2019).
3.Zongzhen Zhang, Leihang Chen, Qihua Li, Tengfei Song, Jinrui Su, Bin Cai*, Hao He*, High performance In, Ta and Y-doped BaCeO3 electrolyte membrane for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells. Solid State Ionics, 323, 25 (2018).
4.Xing Ju Zhao, Wen-Wen Shan, Hao He, Xinlian Xue, Zheng Xiao Guo and Shun Fang Li*, From single atoms to self-assembled quantum single-atomic nanowires: noble metal atoms on black phosphorene monolayers, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 7864 (2017).
5.Hao He, Guang Tao Fei*, Ping Cui, Kang Zheng and Jia Peng Shui, Melting behavior of confined Ga particles studied by internal friction, Physics Letters A, 369, 107 (2007).
6.Shun Fang Li*, Hai Sheng Li, Jing Liu, Xin Lin Xue, Yong Tao Tian, Hao He and Yu Jia, Structural and electronic properties of Run clusters(n=2–14) studied by first-principles calculations, Physical Review B, 76, 045410 (2007).
7.Hao He, Guang Tao Fei*, Ping Cui, Kang Zheng, Li Min Liang, Yong Li and Li De Zhang, Relation between size and phase structure of gallium: Differential scanning calorimeter experiments, Physical Review B, 72, 073310 (2005).