姓名:张壮飞 性别:男 最终学历:博士
2008.09-2013.06 博士,吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室,凝聚态物理专业
2004.09-2008.06 学士,吉林师范大学物理学院,应用物理专业
2016.12-至今 郑州大学物理学院材料物理研究所
2013.06-2016.12 工程师,广西柳州大荣非金属材料有限公司
1.Manjie Shen, Siyu Lu*, Zhuangfei Zhang, Hanyu Liu, Weixia Shen, Chao Fang, Qianqian Wang, Liangchao Chen, Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Bi and Sn Co-doping Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of Cu3SbS4 Materials with Excellent Thermal Stability, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020.
2.Lisha Xue, Weixia Shen, Zhuangfei Zhang*, Manjie Shen, Wenting Ji, Chao Fang, Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Off-stoichiometry effects on the thermoelectric properties of Cu2+δSe (−0.1≤δ≤0.05) compounds synthesized by a high-pressure and high-temperature method, CrystEngComm, 2020, 22(4) 695.
3.Shuge Dai*, Zhuangfei Zhang, Junmin Xu, Weixia Shen, Qiaobao Zhang, Xigui Yang, Tingting Xua, Dai Dang, Hao Hu, Bote Zhao, Ye Wang, Chong Qu, Jianwei Fu, Xinjian Li, Chenguo Hu, Meilin Liu, In situ Raman study of nickel bicarbonate for high-performance energystorage device, Nano Energy,64(2019)103919.
4.Chao Fang, Weixia Shen, Yuewen Zhang*, Peiyang Mu, Zhuangfei Zhang* and Xiaopeng Jia, Si Doping Effects on the Growth of Large Single-Crystal Diamond in a Ni-Based Metal Catalyst System under High Pressure and High Temperature, Grystal Growth&Design, 19(2019)3955.
5.Lisha Xue, Zhuangfei Zhang, Weixia Shen, Hongan Ma, Yuewen Zhang*, Chao Fang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Thermoelectric performance of Cu2Se bulk materials by high-temperature and high-pressure synthesis, Journal of Materiomics, 5(2019)103-110.
6.Wei-Xia Shen, Jun-Min Xu, Shu-Ge Dai* and Zhuang-Fei Zhang*, A porous and conductive graphite nanonetwork forming on the surface of KCu7S4 for energy storage, Frontiers in chemistry, 6(2018)555.
7.Fang, C, Zhang, Y. W, Shen, W. X, Sun, S. S, Zhang, Z. F*, Xue, L. X,Jia, X. P*, Synthesis and characterization of HPHT large single-crystal diamonds under the simultaneous influence of oxygen and hydrogen. CrystEngComm2017, 19, 5727−5734.
8.Zhuangfei Zhang, Xiaopeng Jia, Shishuai Sun, Xiaobing Liu, Yong Li, Bingmin Yan, Hongan Ma. Effects of Hydrogen Impurity on Diamond Crystal Growth Process, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 38(2013)111.
9.Zhuangfei Zhang, Xiaopeng Jia, Xiaobing Liu, Meihua Hu, Yong Li, Bingmin Yan, HonganMa, Synthesis and characterization of diamond single crystal with A-centre nitrogen, Chin. Phys. B, 21(2012)038103:1-6.
10.Zhuangfei Zhang, Xiaopeng Jia, Xiaobing Liu, Meihua Hu, Yong Li, Bingmin Yan, Hongan Ma. Effects of aluminum additive on diamond crystallization in the Fe-Ni-C system under high temperature and high pressure conditions, Science China Physics, Mechanics﹠Astronomy, 55(2012)781-785.