姓名:高其龙 学历:博士 职称:直聘副教授
2009-2013年 辽宁科技大学,材料化学,本科
2013-2019年 北京科技大学,冶金物理化学,硕博连读
2019年-至今 郑州大学,物理学院,讲师、直聘副教授
1.Q.L. Gao, J. Wang, A. Sanson, Q. Sun, E.J. Liang*, X.R. Xing and J. Chen*. Discovering Large Isotropic Negative Thermal Expansion in Framework Compound AgB(CN)4 via the Concept of Average Atomic Volume. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 6935−6939 (2020).
2.Q.L. Gao, J. Chen*, Q. Sun, D.H. Chang, Q.Z. Huang, H. Wu, A. Sanson, R. Milazzo, H. Zhu, Q. Li, Z.N. Liu, J.X. Deng and X.R. Xing, Switching Between Giant Positive and Negative Thermal Expansions of a YFe(CN)6-based Prussian Blue Analogue Induced by Guest Species. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 9023-9028. (2017)
3.J. Chen(导师第一作者), Q.L. Gao, A. Sanson, X.X. Jiang, Q.Z. Huang, A. Carnera, C.G. Rodriguez, L. Olivi, L. Wang, L. Hu, K. Lin, Y. Ren, Z.S. Lin, C. Wang, L. Gu, J.X. Deng, J.P. Attfield*, X.R. Xing*. Tunable Thermal Expansion in Framework Materials through Redox Intercalation. Nat. Commun., 8, 14441 (2017)
4.H. Yuan, C. Wang, Q.L. Gao*, X. Ge, H. Sun, S.H. Lapidus, J. Guo, M. Chao, Y. Jia, E.J. Liang*. Structure and Negative Thermal Expansion in Zr0.3Sc1.7Mo2.7V0.3O12. Inorg. Chem., 59, 4090-4095 (2020).
5.W. Wei, Q.L. Gao*, J. Guo, M. Chao, L. He, J. Chen and E.J. Liang*. Realizing Isotropic Negative Thermal Expansion Covering Room Temperature by Breaking the Superstructure of ZrV2O7. Appl. Phys. Lett., 116, 181902 (2020).
6.Q.L. Gao, J. Chen*, Q. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Zhai, S.T. Zhang, R.B. Yu and X. R. Xing, Structure and Excellent Visible Light Catalysis of Prussian Blue Analogues BiFe(CN)6×4H2O. Inorg. Chem. Front., 5, 438-445 (2018).
7.Q.L. Gao, N, Shi,Q, Sun,A, Sanson,R. Milazzo,A, Carnera,H. Zhu,S.H. Lapidus,Y. Ren,Q.Z. Huang,J. Chen*, andX.R. Xing,Low-Frequency Phonon Driven Negative Thermal Expansion in Cubic GaFe(CN)6Prussian Blue Analogues.Inorg. Chem.,57,10918–10924 (2018)
8.Q.L. Gao, N. Shi, A. Sanson, Y. Sun, R. Milazzo, L. Olivi, H. Zhu, S.H. Lapidus, L. Zheng, J. Chen* and X.R. Xing. Tunable Thermal Expansion from Negative, Zero, to Positive in Cubic Prussian Blue Analogues of GaFe(CN)6. Inorg. Chem., 57, 14027–14030 (2018).
9.Q.L. Gao, E.J. Liang, X.R. Xing and J. Chen*. Negative Thermal Expansion in Prussian Blue Analogues. Chem. J. Chinese U., 41, 388-400 (2020).
10.Q.L. Gao, Y. Sun, N.Shi, R. Milazzo, S. Pollastri, L. Olivi, Q. Huang, H. Liu, A. Sanson*, Q. Sun*, E.J. Liang, X.R. Xing and J. Chen*. Large isotropic negative thermal expansion in water-free Prussian blue analogues of ScCo(CN)6. Scripta Mater., 187, 119-124 (2020).