姓名:晁明举 职称:教授 最终学历:博士
中国光学学会高级会员,《中国激光》特约审稿人,《Surf Coat Tech》、《Chinese Optics Letters》、《光学学报》审稿人。2006年度省教育厅学术技术带头人。获省自然科学论文一等奖4项,省教育系统科技成果二等奖4项。
1. Xiao Xiao, Wenjin Zhou, Xiansheng Liu, Mingju Chao*, Yucheng Li, Niu Zhang, Yaming Liu, Yuxiang Li, Dongsheng Feng, Erjun Liang, Electrical properties of Al–ZrMgMo3O12 with controllable thermal expansion, Ceramics International 41 (2015)2361–2366 (通讯作者).
2. Haoming Zhang, Mingju Chao, Hongsong Zhang, An Tang, Bo Ren, Xinbo He, Microstructure and thermal properties of copper matrix composites,Applied Thermal Engineering, 73 (2014)739-744 (通讯作者).
3. Fu Linjie, Chao Mingju, Chen He, Liu Xiansheng, Liu Yaming, Yu Jumei, Liang Erjun, Li Yucheng, Xiao Xiao, Negative thermal expansion property of Er0.7Sr0.3NiO3−δ, Physics Letters A,378(2014)1909-1912 (通讯作者).
4. Li Dechuan, Yu Jumei, Chao Mingju, Li Mingyu, Wu Hua, Liang Erjun, Effects of synthesis condition and atomic group on conductivity of V2O5-doped ceria-based ceramics, IONICS, 19(9) (2013)1291-1295 (通讯作者).
5. Li Mingyu, Chao Mingju, Liang Erjun, Yu Jumei, Zhang Junji, Laser synthesised TaC for improving copper tribological property, SURFACE ENGINEERING,29(8)(2013)616-619 (通讯作者).
6. Yu Jumei, Chao Mingju, Li Dechuan, Li Mingyu, Enhanced electrical conductivity of La2Mo1.4W0.6O9 ceramic prepared by laser rapid solidification method, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,226 (2013)334-339 (通讯作者).
7. Zhang Junji, Chao Mingju, Liang Erjun, Li Mingyu, Synthesis and dielectric properties of textured SrBi2Nb2O9 ceramics via laser rapid solidification, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 521(2012)150-154 (通讯作者).
8. Junji Zhang,Jumei Yu,Mingju Chao,Erjun Liang,Mingyu Li,Dechuan Li, Textured BaTi2O5 ceramic synthesized by laser rapid solidication method and its dielectric properties, Journal of Materials Science,47(3)(2012)1554-1558 (通讯作者).
9. Li Dechuan,Chao Mingju,Yu Jumei,Li Mingyu,Zhang Junji,Liang Erjun, Enhanced density and conductivity of Ce0.82La0.18O2-delta ceramics for solid oxide fuel cell interlayer using V2O5 as sintering additive, MATERIALS LETTERS ,86(2012)171-173 (通讯作者).
10. Ming-Ju Chao, Xin Niu, Bin Yuan, Er-Jun Liang, Dong-Sheng Wang, Preparation and characterization of in situ synthesized B4C particulate reinforced nickel composite coatings by laser cladding, Surface & Coatings Technology 201 (2006) 1102–1108
11. Ming-ju Chao, Wen-li Wang, Er-jun Liang, Dongxun Ouyang, Microstructure and wear resistance of TaC reinforced Ni-based coating by laser cladding, Surface & Coatings Technology 202 (2008) 1918–1922