姓名:左秀荣 职称:教授 最终学历:博士
(5) 2013年主持并完成《3000 m深海管线研制与开发》项目。
(6) 2014年主持并完成《X80M HD2大应变管线钢组织性能及工艺研究》项目,通过了中石油千吨级试制新产品鉴定。
(7) 2014年主持并完成《厚壁大口径X80M管线钢组织性能及工艺研究》项目,通过了中石油千吨级试制新产品鉴定。
(8) 2014年主持并完成《亚包晶钢热轧板的纵裂纹控制》项目。
(9) 2016年主持并完成《厚壁大口径超低温管线开发》项目,于2017年12月通过江苏省新产品新技术鉴定。
(10) 2018年主持并完成《厚规格高等级耐磨钢切割裂纹分析与控制技术研究》项目。
(11) 2019年主持并完成《宽厚规格32.1×4340 mm X80M钢板的开发》项目,通过了中石油千吨级试制新产品鉴定。
(12) 2020年主持并完成《防护钢抗弹抗爆失效分析及冶炼工艺优化》项目。
(13) 2020年主持并完成《宽厚板厂不同合金设计坯料的加热机理研究及工艺优化》项目。
(14) 2021年主持并完成《高强钢表面脱碳层研究及工艺优化》项目。
1.Zuo XR*, Zhong ZG.Effect of united refining and modification with Ti, B, Sr and RE on mechanical properties of A356 aluminium alloys.Transactions of nonferrous metals society of china, 2006, 16(3): 1419-1424.
2.Zuo XR*, Jing YW. Investigation of the age hardening behaviour of 6063 aluminium alloys refined with Ti, RE and B. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 209(1): 360-366.
3.Zuo XR*, Cui HC. Effect of Minor Sc, Zr and Ti Additions on the microstructures and the mechanical properties of pure aluminium. Adv. Mater. Res, 2011, 152-153: 1071-1078.
4.Zuo XR*, Chen YB, Wang MH.Study on microstructures and work hardening behavior of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels with high-content martensite. Materials Research. 2012, 15(6): 915-921.
5.Zuo XR*, Li RT.Research of strain aging in pipeline steel with a ferrite/martensite dual-Phase microstructure.Steel research international, 2014,163-168.
6.Zuo XR*, Zhou ZY. Study of pipeline steels with acicular ferrite microstructure and ferrite-bainite dual-phase microstructure. Materials Research, 2015, 18(1): 36-41.
7. Wang YP,Zuo XR*, Li JL. Corrosion resistance of the welded joint of submarine pipeline steel with ferrite plus bainite dual-phase microstructure[J]. Steel Research International, 2015, 86(11):1260-1270.
8. Li RT,Zuo XR*, Hu YR.Microstructure and properties of pipeline steel with a ferrite/martensite dual-phase microstructure. Materials characterization, 2010, 62(8): 801-806.
9. Wang ZY, Wu X, Liu DH,Zuo XR*. Correlation Between Microstructure and Fracture Behavior in Thick HARDOX 450 Wear-Resistant Steel with TiN Inclusions. Frontiers in Materials,2021, 8, 691551.
10. Liu JJ, Liu DH,Zuo XR*, Liu LH, Yan QJ. Influence of TiN Inclusions and Segregation on the Delayed Cracking in NM450 Wear-Resistant Steel. Metals, 2022, 12(1), 21.
11. He JS, Niu FY,Zuo XR*, Liu DH, Cai MH. Changes in microstructure and mechanical properties during the bending process of NM450 wear-resistant steel. Materials Research Express, 2022, 9(4), 046524.
12. Dong YF, Liu DH, Hong L, Liu JJ,Zuo XR*.Correlation between Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welded Joint of X70 Submarine Pipeline Steel with Heavy Wall Thickness. Metals,2022,12(5), 716.
13. Dong YF, Liu DH, Du HG, Sun HR,Zuo XR*. Effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of a welded joint of 620-grade marine steel. Frontiers in Materials, 2023, 10, 1107125.
14. Niu FY, He JS, Liu DH,Zuo XR*, Cai MH. Effect of bending process on microstructure, mechanical properties and crack formation of 5% Ni Steel. Metals, 2022, 12(7), 1188.