姓名:王华磊 职称:教授(博士生导师) 最终学历:博士研究生
1. Hui-Hui Zhang, Hua-Lei Wang, Hai-Yan Meng, Min-Liang Liu and Bing Ding, Impact of the Coriolis interaction on the potential landscape evolution across the nuclide chart: Systematic total-Routhian-surface calculations,Phys. Scr.97,025303(2022)
2. Hai-Yan Meng, Hua-Lei Wang, Min-Liang Liu, Landscape appreciation of systematic structure properties in even-even nuclei along the valley of stability, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014329 (2022)
3. Hai-Yan Meng, Hua-Lei Wang, Min-Liang Liu, Resolution of a possible misinterpretation of the nuclear excitation mode along the yrast line: An investigation on the evolution of rotation and vibration, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014315 (2022)
4. J. Yang, J. Dudek, I. Dedes, A. Baran, D. Curien, A. Gaamouci, A. Góźdź, A. Pȩdrak, D. Rouvel, H. L. Wang, and J. Burkat, Exotic shape symmetries around the fourfold octupole magic number N=136: Formulation of experimental identification criteria, Phys. Rev. C 105, 034348 (2022)
5. S. Guo, X. H. Zhou, C. M. Petrachec, E. A. Lawriede, S. H. Mthembude, Y. D. Fangab, H. Y. Wu, H. L. Wang, H. Y. Meng, G. S. Li, Y. H. Qiang, J. G. Wang, M. L. Liu, Y. Zheng, B. Ding, W. Q. Zhang, A. Rohillaab, K. R. Muhkiab…Y. H. Zhangab, Probing the nature of the conjectured low-spin wobbling bands in atomic nuclei, Physics Letters B 828, 137010(2022)
6. W. S. Porter*, B. Ashrafkhani, J. Bergmann, C. Brown, T. Brunner, J. D. Cardona, D. Curien, I. Dedes, T. Dickel, J. Dudek, E. Dunling, G. Gwinner, 7 Z. Hockenbery, J. D. Holt, C. Hornung, C. Izzo, A. Jacobs, A. Javaji, B. Kootte, G. Kripkó-Koncz, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, T. Miyagi, I. Mukul, T. Murböck, W. R. Plaß, M. P. Reiter, J. Ringuette, C. Scheidenberger, R. Silwal†, C. Walls, H. L. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Yang, J. Dilling, and A. A. Kwiatkowski, Mapping the N=40 island of inversion: Precision mass measurements of neutron-rich Fe isotopes, W. S. Porter et al. Phys. Rev. C 105, L041301 (2022)
7. B. Ding, C. M. Petrache, S. Guo, E. A. Lawrie ‡ I. Wakudyanaye, Z. H. Zhang, H. L. Wang, H. Y. Meng, D. Mengoni, Y. H. Qiang, J. G. Wang, C. Andreoiu, A. Astier, A. Avaa, T. Bäck, R. A. Bark, D. Bazzacco, A. Boso, T. D. Bucher, B. Cederwall, M. V. Chisapi, H. L. Fan, F. Galtarossa, F. H. Garcia, A. Goasduff, G. Jaworski, P. Jones, I. Kuti, J. J. Lawrie, G. S. Li, R. Li, M. L. Liu, Z. Liu, B. Lomberg, B. F. Lv, T. Marchlewski, L. Mdletshe, L. Msebi, S. H. Mthembu, D. R. Napoli, A. Netshiya, M. F. Nkalanga, J. N. Orce, K. Ortner, F. Recchia, S. Riccetto, A. Rohilla, T. W. Seakamela, M. Siciliano, M. A. Sithole, D. Sohler, J. Srebrny, D. Testov, A. Tucholski, J. J. Valiente-Dobón, F. Wentzel, K. Whitmore, Y. H. Zhang, K. K. Zheng, X. H. Zhou and B. R. Zikhali, Signature splitting of the g7/2[404]7/2+ bands in 131Ba and 133Ce,PHYSICAL REVIEW C 104, 064304 (2021)
8. Sönke Beck,Brian Kootte, Irene Dedes, Timo Dickel, A. A. Kwiatkowski,Eleni Marina Lykiardopoulou, Wolfgang R. Plaß, Moritz P. Reiter, Corina Andreoiu, Julian Bergmann, Thomas Brunner, Dominique Curien, Jens Dilling, Jerzy Dudek, Eleanor Dunling, Jake Flowerdew, Abdelghafar Gaamouci, Leigh Graham, Gerald Gwinner, Andrew Jacobs, Renee Klawitter, Yang Lan, Erich Leistenschneider, Nikolay Minkov, Victor Monier, Ish Mukul, Stefan F. Paul, Christoph Scheidenberger, Robert I. Thompson, James L. Tracy, Jr. Michael Vansteenkiste, Hua-Lei Wang, Michael E. Wieser, Christian Will and Jie Yang,Mass Measurements of Neutron-Deficient Yb Isotopes and Nuclear Structure at the Extreme Proton-Rich Side of the N = 82 Shell,PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 112501 (2021)
9. A. Gaamouci, I. Dedes, J. Dudek, A. Baran, N. Benhamouda, D. Curien, H. L. Wang and J. Yang,Exotic toroidal and superdeformed configurations in light atomic nuclei:Predictions using a mean-field Hamiltonian without parametric correlations,Phys. Rev. C(2021)103, 054311
10. Zhen-Zhen Zhang, Hua-Lei Wang*, Hai-Yan Meng,Min-Liang Liu,Uncertainty evaluation and correlation analysis of single-particle energies in phenomenological nuclear mean field: an investigation into propagating uncertainties for independent model parameters, Nucl Sci Tech (2021) 32:16
11. Haoqiang Shi,Xiao-Bao Wang, Guo-Xiang Dong and Hua-Lei Wang, Abnormal odd-even staggering behavior around 132Sn studied by density functional theory,Chinese Physics C 44, (2020) 094108
12. I. Dedes, J. Dudek, J. Yang, A. Baran, D. Curien,A. Gaamouci,H.L. Wang,EXOTIC SYMMETRY EFFECTS IN LIGHT Z = N NUCLEI NEAR 80Zr,Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement (2020) 13:397-404
13. J. Dudek, I. Dedes, J. Yang, A. Baran, D. Curien, A. Gaamouci, A. Góźdź, A. Pędrak,H. L. Wang, NUCLEAR HIGH-RANK SYMMETRIES: FROM THE EARLY THEORY PREDICTIONS VIA Tetra Nuc COLLABORATION TO THE FINAL EXPERIMENTAL DISCOVERY, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement (2020) 13:419-430
14. Hui-Fang Li, Hua-Lei Wang*, Min-Liang Liu,Nuclear collectivity in the even–even 164-178Yb along the yrast line,Nucl Sci Tech (2019) 30:14
15. Qing-Zhen Chai, Wei-Juan Zhao and Hua-Lei Wang*,Effects of Various Deformation on the First Fission Barrier in Even-A N =152 Isotones,Commun. Theor. Phys. (2019) 71 : 67–74
16. J. Dudek, I. Dedes, J. Yang, A. Baran, D. Curien, S. Tagami, Y. R. Shimizu, H. L. Wang, SHORTENING THE WAY TO EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE FOR HIGH-RANK SYMMETRIES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI: RESEARCHER INSTRUCTIONS, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement (2019) 12:569-579
17. J. Dudek, I. Dedes, J. Yang, A. Baran, D. Curien, T. Dickel, A. Gózdz, D. Rouvel, H. L. Wang, HIGH-RANK SYMMETRIES IN NUCLEI: CHALLENGES FOR PREDICTION CAPACITIES OF THE NUCLEAR MEAN-FIELD THEORIES, Acta Physica Polonica B (2019) 50: 685-695
18. Jerzy Dudek, Irene Dedes, Abdelghafar Gaamouci, Jie Yang, Andrzej Baran, Dominique Curien, Timo Dickel and Hua-Lei Wang, Systematic Search For Evidence of Tetrahedral and Octahedral Symmetries in Subatomic Physics: Follow-up of the First Identification Case in 152Sm, EPJ Web of Conferences (2019) 223:01014
19. I. Dedes, J. Dudek, J. Yang, A. Baran, D. Curien, H. L. Wang, ABOUT COMPETITION BETWEEN TETRAHEDRAL AND OCTAHEDRAL SYMMETRIES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement (2019) 12: 557-568
20. HAO YiWei, DONG GuoXiang, WANG XiaoBao, WANG HuaLei, SHU NengChuan, CHEN YongJing, LIU LiLe. Mass distributions of fission fragments for n+233U reaction investigated by GEF model (in Chinese). Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 2019, 49: 122001,
21. Qing-Zhen Chai, Wei-Juan Zhao, Hua-Lei Wang*, Min-Liang Liu, Possible observation of shape-coexisting configurations in even–even midshell isotones with N = 104: a systematic total Routhian surface calculation, Nucl Sci Tech (2018) 29: 38
22. Qing-Zhen Chai, Wei-Juan Zhao, Min-Liang Liu and Hua-Lei Wang*, Calculation of multidimensional potential energy surfaces for even-even transuranium nuclei: systematic investigation of the triaxiality effect on the fission barrier, Chinese Physics C 42, (2018) 054101
23. Qing-Zhen Chai, Wei-Juan Zhao, Hua-Lei Wang*, Min-Liang Liu and Fu-Rong Xu, The triaxiality and Coriolis effects on the fission barrier in isovolumic nuclei with mass number A = 256 based on multidimensional total Routhian surface calculations, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2018, 053D02
24. Q. Z. Chai, W. J. Zhao and H. L. Wang, Similar alignment based on total-Routhian-surface approach in an α-decay chain from 216Po to 272Cn, International Journal of Modern Physics E 27, (2018) 1850050
25. Hai-Yan Meng, Yi-Wei Hao, Hua-Lei Wang* and Min-Liang Liu,Signature of yrast-state structure in even–even hafnium isotopes based on traditional total-Routhian-surface calculations and novel E-GOS curves, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2018, 103D02
26. Xiao-Bao Wang, Guo-Xiang Dong, Hua-Lei Wang, Cen-Xi Yuan, Yong-Jing Chen, Ya Tu, Many-body correlations in shell model effective interactions derived by ab initio methods and the Vlow-k approach, Chin.Phys.C 42, 114103 (2018)
27. Meng Haiyan, Wang Hualei*, Chai Qingzhen, Zhang Sha, Yang Jie, Liuss Minliang, Possible Properties on Nuclear Shape and Stiffness Evolution: A Systematic Analysis Based on Nuclear-Energy-Surface Calculations, Nuclear Physics Review, 34, 481-487 (2017)
28. B. Ding, Z. Liu, D. Seweryniak, P. J. Woods, H. L. Wang, J. Yang, H. L. Liu, C. N. Davids, M. P. Carpenter, T. Davinson, R. V. F. Janssens, R. D. Page, A. P. Robinson, J. Shergur, S. Sinha, S. Zhu, X. D. Tang, J. G. Wang, T. H. Huang, W. Q. Zhang, M. D. Sun, X. Y. Liu, H. Y. Lu, First identification of excited states in 117Ba using the recoil-β-delayed proton tagging technique, Phys. Rev. C 95, 024301 (2017)
29. K. L. Wang, J. G. Wang, X. H. Zhou, M. L. Liu, Y. H. Qiang, S. Guo, Z. Y. Zhang, B. F. Lv, B. S. Gao, Y. H. Zhang, Y. Zheng, G. S. Li, Y. D. Fang, B. Ding, W. Q. Zhang, K. K. Zheng, J. S. Wang, Y. Y. Yang, Z. Bai, P. Ma, S. L. Jin, J. B. Ma, F. F. Duan, X. Zhang, L. Jiao, H. L. Wang, Lifetime measurement of the first excited state in 37S, Phys. Rev. C 94, 044316 (2016)
30. J. Yang, H.-L. Wang*, Q.-Z. Chai, M.-L. Liu, F.-R. Xu,Evolution of shape and rotational structure in neutron-deficient 118-128Ba nuclei, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2016, 063D03 (2016).
31. Q. Yang, H.-L. Wang*, M.-L. Liu, F.-R. Xu,Characteristics of collectivity along the yrast line in even-even tungsten isotopes, Phys. Rev. C 94, 024310 (2016).
32. H.-L. Wang*, S. Zhang, M.-L. Liu, F.-R. Xu, Nuclear stiffness evolutions against axial and non-axial quadrupole deformations in even-A osmium isotopes, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2015, 073D03 (2015).
33. H.-L. Wang*, J. Yang, M.-L. Liu, F.-R. Xu, Evolution of ground-state quadrupole and octupole stiffnesses in even-even barium isotopes, Phys. Rev. C 92, 024303 (2015).
34. Q.-Z. Chai, H.-L. Wang*, Q. Yang, M.-L. Liu, Spin-dependent γ softness or triaxiality in even-even 132-138Nd nuclei, Chin. Phys. C 39, 024101 (2015)
35. Q. Yang, H.-L. Wang*, Q.-Z. Chai, M.-L. Liu, Total Routhian surface calculations of triaxial or γ-soft properties in even- A N = 76 isotones with 54 ≤ Z ≤ 68, Chin. Phys. C 39, 094102 (2015)
36. H.-L. Wang*, Q.-Z. Chai, J.-G. Jiang, M.-L. Liu,Rotational properties in even-even superheavy 254-258Rf nuclei based on total-Routhian-surface calculations, Chin. Phys. C 38, 074101 (2014)
37. F. R. Xu, H. L. Liu, Y. Shi, H. L. Wang, P. M. Walker, S. Frauendorf, J. C. Pei, New Studies on the Aspects of Nuclear Shapes, Acta Phys.Pol. B 44, 271 (2013)
38. JIANG Jinge, CHAI Qingzhen, WANG Bing, ZHAO Weijuan, LIU Minliang and WANG Hualei*, Investigation of Production Cross Sections for Superheavy Nuclei with Z =116--121 in Dinuclear System Concept, Nucl. Phys. Rev. 30, 391 (2013).
39. H.-L. Wang*, H. L. Liu, F-R. Xu, C.-F. Jiao, Onset of Possible Octupole Deformation in Rotational 106, 108Te Nuclei, Prog.Theor.Phys. 128, 363 (2012).
40. H.-L. Wang, H.-L. Liu, F.-R. Xu, Total Routhian surface calculations of octupole properties in neutron-deficient U isotopes, Phys. Scr. 86, 035201 (2012).
41. H.-L. Wang, H.-L. Liu, F.-R. Xu, C.-F. Jiao, Investigation of octupole effects in superheavy nuclei with improved potential-energy-surface calculations, Chin. Sci. Bull., 57:1761-1764 (2012).