河南省优秀青年科学基金获得者。首届CCF量子计算大会量子计算支撑技术论坛主席。第八届河南省光学学会理事。SCI期刊《Electronics》量子信息与量子计算专题客座编辑。担任包括PRL、PRX Quantum、Laser & Photonics Reviews、PR Applied、PRA、APL、OL、OE等数十种期刊审稿人。
2018.09-2018.11,丹麦,Aarhus University,受邀访问学者
2016级 申彩鹏去向:西安交通大学读博
2018级 田亮去向:广州大学读博
2019级 郭富强去向:东北师范大学读博;云梦茹去向:郑州大学硕博连读;李萌去向:郑州西亚斯学院
2020级 魏金峰去向:郑州大学读博;王绿云去向:郑州大学硕博连读;刘冰冰去向:郑州大学读博;孙莉娜去向:哈尔滨工业大学读博
2022级 高可欣在读;张思宇在读;郭晋康在读
2016级 朱小瑜去向:河南工程学院教师
2021级 云梦茹在读
2022级 郭富强(联合培养)在读;陈瑞(联合培养)在读
2023级 孙莉娜(联合培养)在读;刘冰冰在读
1)指导4名本科生分别以第一作者在Phys. Rev. A等期刊发表SCI论文4篇,其中3人分别保送至中国科学技术大学、上海交通大学和南京大学;1人赴国外攻读学位。
2)提出了耗散调控理论,并基于此理论验证了量子物理中耗散-时间不确定关系。该研究被PRL选为Editor's Suggestions,并被美国物理学会(APS)新闻网站Focus专栏报道;同时被欧洲物理学会(IOP)新闻网站PhysicsWorld报道,图注以“新的不确定关系,时间-耗散率不确定关系已经被确立”进行报道;
至今在PRL, PR Applied, PR Research等权威物理类期刊发表SCI收录论文110余篇。其中,Phys. Rev.系列41篇,多篇论文被PRL、EPL、CPB和CPL选为高亮论文,ESI高被引论文1篇。论文被引1700余次,H-index为22。近年来主要代表性论文如下:
[1]L.-L. Yan, J.-W. Zhang, M.-R. Yun, J.-C. Li, G.-Y. Ding, J.-F. Wei, J.-T. Bu, B. Wang, L. Chen, S.-L. Su*, F. Zhou*, Y. Jia, E.-J. Liang, and M. Feng*, Experimental Verification of Dissipation-Time Uncertainty Relation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 050603 (2022).[编辑推荐、物理特色]
[2]J. W. Zhang, L.-L. Yan, J. C. Li, G. Y. Ding, J. T. Bu, L. Chen, S.-L. Su*, F. Zhou *, and M. Feng*, Single-Atom Verification of the Noise-Resilient and Fast Characteristics of Universal Nonadiabatic Noncyclic Geometric Quantum Gates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 030502 (2021).
[3]Y. Zhang, Q.-L. Wu, S.-L. Su, Q. Lou, C.-X Shan, and K. Mølmer, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Effects with Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Spins Coupled to Room Temperature Microwave Resonators. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 253601 (2022).
[4]Bao-Jie Liu, Lei-Lei Yan, Y Zhang, M-H Yung, Shi-Lei Su*, and Chong Xin Shan, Decoherence-suppressed nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013059 (2023).提出抑制退相干的和乐量子计算,并以金刚石NV色心量子系统为例进行理论检验。
[5]S.-L. Su , Li-Na Sun, B.-J. Liu, L.-L. Yan, M.-H. Yung, W. Li, and M. Feng, Rabi- and Blockade-Error-Resilient All-Geometric Rydberg Quantum Gates. Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 044007 (2023).
[6]X.-Y. Zhu, B.-L. Fang*, Y.-H. Li, F.-Q. Guo, E.-J. Liang*, L.-L. Yan*, and S.-L. Su*, Simple construction of Rydberg quantum cloning machines via nonadiabatic geometric quantum operations. Phys. Rev. A 106, 052419 (2022).
[7]Bing-Bing Liu, Zheng Shan*, M.-R. Yun, D.-Y. Wang, B.-J. Liu, L.-L. Yan*, M. Feng, and S.-L. Su*, Robust three-qubit search algorithm in Rydberg atoms via geometric control. Phys. Rev. A 106, 052610 (2022).
[8]Ji-Ze Xu, Li-Na Sun, J.-F. Wei, Y.-L. Du, Ronghui Luo, Lei-Lei Yan*, M. Feng, and Shi-Lei Su*, Two-Qubit Geometric Gates Based on Ground-State Blockade of Rydberg Atoms. Chin. Phys. Lett. 39 (9): 090301 (2022). [编辑推荐]本科生一作
[9]Jia-Wei Zhang, Jian-Qi Zhang, Ge-Yi Ding, Jia-Chong Li, Jin-Tao Bu, Bin Wang, Lei-Lei Yan, Shi-Lei Su, Liang Chen, Franco Nori, Sahin Ozdemir, Fei Zhou, Hui Jing, and Mang Feng*, Dynamical control of quantum heat engines using exceptional points. Nat. Comm. 13, 6225 (2022).
[10]Dongmin Yu, Han Wang, Jin-ming Liu, Shi-Lei Su*, Jing Qian*, and Weiping Zhang, Multiqubit Toffoli gates and optimal geometry with Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 034072 (2022).
[11]J.-F. Wei, Fu-Qiang Guo, D.-Y. Wang, Y. Jia, L.-L, Yan*, M. Feng*, and S.-L. Su*, Fast multiqubit Rydberg geometric fan-out gates with optimal control technology. Phys. Rev. A 105, 042404 (2022).
[12]Li-Na Sun, F.-Q. Guo, Zheng Shan, M. Feng, L.-L. Yan*, and Shi-Lei Su*, One-step implementation of Rydberg nonadiabatic noncyclic geometric quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces. Phys. Rev. A 105, 062602 (2022).
[13]Lv-Yun Wang, Fu-Qiang Guo, S.-L. Su*, Chong-Xin Shan*, M. Feng, E.-J. Liang, and L.-L. Yan*, Rapid ground-state cooling of a solid-state nanoparticle assisted by a magnetic-field gradient. Phys. Rev. A 105, 053124 (2022).
[14]L. Chen, X-M Xiu, L. Dong, N.-N. Liu, C.-P. Shen, S. Zhang, S. Chen*, and S.-L. Su, Direct conversion of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state to Knill-Laflflamme-Milburn state in Decoherence-Free Subspace. Opt. Lett. 47, 2262 (2022).
[15]M-R Yun, Fu-Qiang Guo, L.-L, Yan*, E. Liang, Y. Zhang, S.-L. Su*, C.-X Shan, and Y. Jia*, Parallel-path implementation of nonadiabatic geometric quantum gates in a decoherence-free subspace with nitrogen-vacancy centers. Phys. Rev. A 105, 012611 (2022).
[16]Q. He, F. Badshah, Y. Song, L. Wang, Erjun Liang, and S.-L. Su, Force sensing and cooling for the mechanical membrane in a hybrid optomechanical system. Phys. Rev. A 105, 013503 (2022).
[17]Jian-Qi Zhang, Jing-Xin Liu, Hui-Lai Zhang, Zhi-Rui Gong, Shuo Zhang, Lei-Lei Yan, Shi-Lei Su*, Hui Jing*, and Mang Feng*, Topological optomechanical amplifier in synthetic PT-symmetry. Nanophotonics 11, 1149 (2022).
[18]Y. He, J.-X. Liu, F.-Q. Guo, L.-L. Yan, R.-H. Luo, E. Liang, S.-L. Su*, and M. Feng, Multiple-qubit Rydberg quantum logic gate via dressed-state scheme. Opt. Comm. 505, 127500 (2022).本科生一作
[19]Jin-Lei Wu, Shuai Tang, Yan Wang, Xiao-Sai Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Cheng Lv, Jie Song*, Shi-Lei Su*, Yan Xia, and Yong-Yuan Jiang*, Unidirectional acoustic metamaterials based on nonadiabatic holonomic quantum transformations. Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 65, 220311 (2022).
[20]Zhao Jin, Wei-Jiang Gong, Ai-Dong Zhu, Shou Zhang, Yang Qi, and Shi-Lei Su*, Dissipative preparation of qutrit entanglement via periodically modulated Rydberg double antiblockade. Opt. Exp. 29 10117 (2021).
[21]S.-L. Su and W. Li, Dipole–dipole–interaction–driven antiblockade of two Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. A, 104, 033716 (2021).
[22]Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Yongyuan Jiang, Jie Song*, Yan Xia, Shi-Lei Su*, and Weibin Li*, Systematic-error-tolerant multiqubit holonomic entangling gates. Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 064031 (2021).
[23]Li-Na Sun, L.-L. Yan*, S.-L. Su*, and Y. Jia, One-step implementation of time-optimal-control three-qubit nonadiabatic holonomic controlled gates in Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 064040 (2021).
[24]Yuan-Sheng Wang, Bao-Jie Liu, Shi-Lei Su, and Man-Hong Yung*, Error-resilient Floquet geometric quantum computation. Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033010 (2021).
[25]Meng Li, Fu-Qiang Guo, Z. Jin, L.-L. Yan*, Erjun Liang*, and Shi-Lei Su*, Multiple-qubit CkU quantum gate of Rydberg atoms via shortcut-to-adiabaticity and optimized geometric quantum operation. Phys. Rev. A 103 062607 (2021).
[26]Ri-Hua Zheng, Yang Xiao, S.-L. Su*, Ye-Hong Chen, Zhi-Cheng Shi, Jie Song, Yan Xia*, and Shi-Biao Zheng, Fast and dephasing-tolerant preparation of steady Knill-Laflamme-Milburn states via dissipative Rydberg pumping. Phys. Rev. A 103, 052402 (2021).
[27]M. Yun, F.-Q. Guo, M. Li, L.-L. Yan*, M. Feng*, Y.-X. Li*, and S.-L. Su, Distributed geometric quantum computation based on the optimized-control-technique in cavity-atom system via exchanging virtual photons. Opt. Exp. 29(6), 8737-8750 (2021).
[28]Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Shi-Lei Su et al., Resilient quantum gates on periodically driven Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. A 103, 012601 (2021).
[29]F.-Q. Guo, J.-L. Wu, X.-Y. Zhu, Z. Jin, Y. Zeng, S. Zhang, L.-L. Yan*, M. Feng*, and S.-L. Su*, Complete and nondestructive distinguishment of many-body Rydberg entanglement via robust geometric quantum operations. Phys. Rev. A 102, 062410 (2020).
[30]Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, and Jie Song, Discrimination of enantiomers through quantum interference and quantum Zeno effect. Opt. Exp. 28 33475 (2020).
[31]Ri-Hua Zheng, Yi-Hao Kang, S.-L. Su*, J. Song, and Y. Xia*, Robust and high-fidelity nondestructive Rydberg parity meter, Phys. Rev. A 102, 012609 (2020).
[32]C. Y. Guo, L.-L. Yan, S. Zhang, S.-L. Su*, and W. Li, Optimized geometric quantum computation with a mesoscopic ensemble of Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. A 102, 042607 (2020).本科生一作
[33]B. J. Liu, S.-L. Su*, and M. H. Yung, Nonadiabatic Noncyclic Geometric Quantum Computation in Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043130 (2020).
[34]Zhichao Liu, Liang Chen*, Ji Li , Hang Zhang, Chengbin Li, Fei Zhou, S.-L. Su, Leilei Yan*, and Mang Feng*, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033106 (2020).
[35]S.-L. Su, F.-Q. Guo, J.-L. Wu, Z. Jin, X. Q. Shao, and S. Zhang, Rydberg antiblockade regimes: Dynamics and applications. EPL, 131 53001 (2020).受邀Perspective论文
[36]J. W. Zhang, K. Rehan, M. Li, J. C. Li, L. Chen, S.-L. Su, L.-L. Yan, F. Zhou, and M. Feng, Single-atom verification of the information-theoretical bound of irreversibility at the quantum level. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033082 (2020).
[37]Rui Li, Dongmin Yu, S.-L. Su*, and Jing Qian*, Periodically driven facilitated high-efficiency dissipative entanglement with Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. A 101 042328 (2020).
[38]Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Cong Wang, S.-L. Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, and Jie Song, Two-Path Interference for Enantiomer-Selective State Transfer of Chiral Molecules. Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 044021 (2020).
[39]Jin-Lei Wu, S.-L. Su, Y. Wang, J. Song et al., Effective Rabi dynamics of Rydberg atoms and robust high-fidelity quantum gates with a resonant amplitude-modulation field. Opt. Lett. 45 1200 (2020).
[40]Jing-Xin Liu, Jun-Yao Ye, Lei-Lei Yan, S.-L. Su*, and M. Feng*, Distributed quantum information processing via single atom driving. J. Phys. B 53 035503 (2020).本科生一作
[41]S.-L. Su et al., Nondestructive Rydberg parity meter and its applications. Phys. Rev. A 101 012347 (2020). 2021年度ESI高被引
[42]Zhao Jin, S.-L. Su*, and Shou Zhang, Preparation of steady entangled state of two NV centers via simultaneously utilizing two dissipative factors. Phys. Rev. A 100 052332 (2019).
[43]Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jie Song, Yan Xia, S.-L. Su, and Yong-Yuan Jiang, Robust and highly efficient discrimination of chiral molecules through three-mode parallel paths. Phys. Rev. A 100, 043413 (2019).
[44]L.-L. Yan, S.-L. Su, and M. Feng, Analytical investigation of one-dimensional Doppler cooling of trapped ions with Lambda-type configuration. Phys. Rev. A 100, 033418 (2019).
[45]J. L. Wu and S. L. Su*, Universal speeded-up adiabatic geometric quantum computation in three-level systems via counterdiabatic driving. J. Phys. A 52, 335301 (2019). JPA 2019-2022前1%论文
[46]C. P. Shen, J. L. Wu, S. L. Su*, and E. J. Liang, Construction of robust Rydberg controlled-phase gates. Opt. Lett. 44 2036 (2019).
[47]L. L. Yan, S. L. Su, Q. Z. Hou, W. L. Yang*, and M. Feng, Macroscopically distinct superposition in a spin ensemble coupled to superconducting flux-qubits. Opt. Exp. 27 377 (2019).
[48]S.-L. Su et al., One-step construction of the multiple-qubit Rydberg controlled-PHASE gate. Phys. Rev. A 98, 032306 (2018).
[49]H. Z. Shen, S.-L. Su et al., Non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion in one dimension in electric fields. Phys. Rev. A 97, 042121 (2018).
[50]S.-L. Su et al., Applications of the modified Rydberg antiblockade regime with simultaneous driving. Phys. Rev. A 96 042335 (2017).
[51]S.-L. Su et al., Fast Rydberg antiblockade regime and its applications in quantum logic gates. Phys. Rev. A 95 022319 (2017).
[52]H.Z. Shen, D. X. Li, S.-L. Su et al., Exact non-Markovian dynamics of qubits coupled to two interacting environments. Phys. Rev. A 96 033805 (2017).
[53]Z. Jin, S.-L. Su et al., Dissipative preparation of distributed steady entanglement: an approach of unilateral qubit driving. Opt. Exp. 25, 88 (2017).
[54]S.-L. Su et al., One-step implementation of Rydberg-Rydberg interaction gate. Phys. Rev. A 93 012306 (2016).
[55]S.-L. Su et al., Simplified scheme for entanglement preparation with Rydberg pumping via dissipation. Phys. Rev. A 92 022328 (2015).
[56]S.-L. Su et al., Scheme for entanglement generation in an atom-cavity system via dissipation. Phys. Rev. A 90 054302 (2014).
[57]S.-L. Su et al., Preparation of three-dimensional entanglement for distant atoms in coupled cavities via atomic spontaneous emission and cavity decay. Sci. Rep. 4 7566 (2014).
[58]C. Song, S.-L.Su et al., Generation of tree-type three-dimensional entangled states via adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev. A 93, 062321 (2016).
[59]Y. Liang, Q.-C Wu, S.-L Su et al., Shortcuts to adiabatic passage for multiqubit controlled-phase gate. Phys. Rev. A 91 032304 (2015).
[60]Y. Liang, S.-L. Su et al., Adiabatic passage for three-dimensional entanglement generation through quantum Zeno dynamics. Opt. Express 23, 5064 (2015).