姓名:李程明 职称:副教授
1. QCD相变与物态方程研究;
2. 中子星结构研究。
1. 第67批中国博士后基金面上项目二等资助(主持)
2. 第2批中国博士后基金站前特别资助(主持)
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目资助(主持)
1. Cheng-Ming Li*, Shu-Yu Zuo*, Yan Yan*, Ya-Peng Zhao*, Fei Wang*, Yong-Feng Huang*, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“Strange quark stars within proper time regularized (2+1)-flavor NJL model”, Phys. Rev. D, 101, 063023 (2020)
2. Cheng-Ming Li*, Pei-Lin Yin*, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“New algorithm to study the pseudo-Wigner solution of the quark gap equation in the framework of the (2 + 1)-flavor NJL model”, Phys. Rev. D, 99, 076006 (2019)
3. Cheng-Ming Li*, Yan Yan*, Jin-Jun Geng*, Yong-Feng Huang*, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“Constraints on the hybrid equation of state with a crossover hadron-quark phase transition in the light of GW 170817”, Phys. Rev. D, 98, 083013 (2018)
4. Cheng-Ming Li, Jin-Li Zhang, Yan Yan, Yong-Feng Huang*, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“Studies of the structure of massive hybrid stars within a modified NJL model”, Phys. Rev. D, 97, 103013 (2018)
5. Cheng-Ming Li, Jin-Li Zhang, Tong Zhao, Ya-Peng Zhao, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“Studies of the hybrid star structure within 2+1 flavors NJL model”, Phys. Rev. D, 95, 056018 (2017)
6. Li-Qun Su*, Chao Shi*, Yong-Feng Huang*, Yan Yan*, Cheng-Ming Li*, and Hongshi Zong*,“Hybrid stars can be self-bound”, Phys. Rev. D, 103, 094037 (2021)
7. Tong Zhao*, Wei Zheng*, Fei Wang*, Cheng-Ming Li*, Yan Yan*, Yong-Feng Huang*, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“Do current astronomical observations exclude the existence of nonstrange quark stars?”, Phys. Rev. D, 100, 043018 (2019)
8. Jin-Li Zhang, Cheng-Ming Li, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“Discussion of thermodynamic features within the PNJL model”, Chin. Phys. C, 42, 123105 (2018)
9. Ya-Peng Zhao, Cheng-Ming Li, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“2+1 Flavors QCD Equation of State in NJL Model with Proper Time Regularization”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 127, 64 (2018)
10. Tong Zhao, Cheng-Ming Li, Ya-Peng Zhao, Yan Yan, Xin-Lian Luo, and Hong-Shi Zong*,“A phenomenological study of hybrid stars in which the crossover transition from quark to hadron makes the EOS stiffer in contrast to the hybrid EOS based on Maxwell condition”, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 32, 1750051 (2017)