姓名:房超 最终学历:博士
科研情况:主持承担河南省优秀青年科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金项目等多项;在Carbon、Crystal Growth & Design、Diamond and Related Materials、CrystEngComm等SCI期刊发表论文60余篇,担任Diamond and Related Materials、International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials、JOM、Spectroscopy Letters、《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》等期刊审稿人。
[1].Zhang B, Chen L, Fang C, et al. High-pressure synthesis and characterization of Cr-doped large single-crystal diamonds[J].Crystal Growth & Design, 2024 Online, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.3c01340.通讯
[2].Huang G, Chen L, Fang C. Synthesis and nitrogen content regulation of diamond in high pressure hydrogen rich environment[J].Chinese Physics B,2024,Online, DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad2a6d.通讯
[3].Xiong Z, Fang C, Chen L, et al. Synthesis of porous single-crystal diamond with boron doping under high temperature and high pressure[J].Ceramics International, 2024, 50: 11199-11206.通讯
[4].Wang W, Fang C, Chen L, et al. Effect of Fe6N2 on diamond growth under high pressure and high temperature conditions[J].Diamond & Related Materials, 2024, 142: 110863.通讯
[5].Guo W, Wang S, Xie Y, et al. Hydrogen peroxide synthesis via electrocatalytic water oxidation on sp3and sp2carbon materials mediated by carbonates and bicarbonates[J].ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11: 12114-12122.通讯
[6].Mu Y, Chen L, Song Y, et al. Interaction mechanism of Ge, Ti, and N in diamond prepared by high pressure and high temperature conditions[J].International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2023, 110: 106052.通讯
[7].Song Y, Fang C, Mu Y, et al. Relationship between Co-related optical centres and nitrogen impurities in large single crystals of diamond grown in Co–C system under HPHT conditions[J].CrystEngComm, 2023, 25: 357-364.(封面文章)通讯
[8].Zhou G, Mu Y, Song Y, et al.Synergistic effect of titanium, boron and oxygen on large-size single-crystal diamond growth at high pressure and high tem perature[J].Chinese Phys. B, 2022, 31: 068103.通讯
[9].Mu P, Zhou G, Chen L, et al. Effect of Ni2O3on diamond crystal growth in an Fe-Ni-C system under high temperature and high pressure[J].CrystEngComm, 2021, 23(15): 2809-2815.通讯
[10].Chen L, Shen W, Fang C, et al. Mixed type Ib-IIa diamond from a Fe-Mg2Si3O8·5H2O-C system under high pressure and high temperature[J].Diamond and Related Materials, 2021, 117: 108493.(封面文章)通讯
[11].Chen L, Shen W, Fang C, et al. High Pressure and High Temperature Annealing of Ni-Containing, Nitrogen-rich Synthetic Diamonds and the Formation of NE8 Centers[J].Crystal Growth & Design, 2020, 20(5): 3257-3263.通讯
[12].Fang C, Shen W, Zhang Y, et al. Si doping effects on the growth of large single-crystal diamond in a Ni-based metal catalyst system under high pressure and high temperature[J].Crystal Growth & Design, 2019, 19(7): 3955-3961.一作
[13].Xue L, Zhang Z, Shen W, et al. Thermoelectric performance of Cu2Se bulk materials by high-temperature and high-pressure synthesis[J].Journal of Materiomics, 2019, 5(1): 103-110.通讯
[14].Chen N, Ma H, Yan B, et al. Characterization of Various Centers in Synthetic Type Ib Diamond under HPHT Annealing[J].Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, 18(7): 3870-3876.通讯
[15].Su L, Zhao C, Lou Q, et al. Efficient phosphorescence from synthetic diamonds[J].Carbon, 2018, 130: 384-389.通讯
[16].Fang C, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, et al. Preparation of “natural” diamonds by HPHT annealing of synthetic diamonds[J].CrystEngComm, 2018, 20(4): 505-511.一作
[17].ZhaoL,Ma HA,FangC,et al.Synthesis and characterization of purple NaAlSi2O6jadeite under high pressure and high temperature[J].Journal of Crystal Growth, 2018, 499: 30-39.通讯
[18].Guo L, Ma H, Chen L, et al. Synthesis and characterization of diamonds using C3H5N3O as an organic additive under high pressure and high temperature[J].CrystEngComm, 2018, 20(36): 5457-5464.通讯
[19].Chen L, Miao X, He X, et al. Effects of Fe-Ni solvent with different Fe contents on the boron concentration in colorless diamonds[J].Journal of Crystal Growth, 2018, 498: 67-70.通讯
[20].Fang C, Zhang Y, Shen W, et al. Synthesis and characterization of HPHT large single-crystal diamonds under the simultaneous influence of oxygen and hydrogen[J].CrystEngComm, 2017, 19(38): 5727-5734.(封底文章)一作
[21].Fang C, Jia X, Chen N, et al. HPHT synthesis of N–H co-doped diamond single crystals[J].Journal of Crystal Growth, 2016, 436: 34-39.一作
[22].FangC, JiaX, SunS, et al. Studying the effect of hydrogen on diamond growth by adding C10H10Fe under high pressures and high temperatures[J].High Pressure Research, 2016, 36(1): 42-54.一作
[23].房超,贾晓鹏,颜丙敏等.高温高压下氮氢协同掺杂对{100}晶面生长宝石级金刚石的影响[J].物理学报, 2015, 64(22): 228101. (入选当期优秀论文) 一作
[24].房超,贾晓鹏,陈宁等.添加Fe(C5H5)2合成氢掺杂金刚石大单晶及其表征[J].物理学报, 2015, 64(12): 128101. (入选当期优秀论文) 一作
[1].房超;高压下富氮氢氧体系中金刚石大单晶的合成与表征研究,第四届海峡两岸钻石及其功能器件研讨会,大同大学尚志教育研究馆会议厅, 2019-7-31至2019-8-3。(特邀报告)
[2].房超;氢掺杂金刚石大单晶的高温高压合成与表征研究,第三届海峡两岸金刚石研讨会,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所, 2018-9-13至2018-9-15。(特邀报告)