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Two Disciplines Are Included in the Leading and Characteristic Disciplines Construction Project

Author:   Time:January 5, 2016   Clicks:

Recently, the Henan Provincial Leading and Characteristic Disciplines Construction Project Implementation Plan has been published by the Education Department and Finance Department of Henan Province with the release of the list of Leading and Characteristic Disciplines in the first phase. We have nine disciplines in this project, including two medical disciplines: Clinical Medicine First-level Discipline as Leading Discipline Class A and Tumor Prevention and Treatment as Characteristic Discipline Class A.
       According to the Henan Provincial Leading and Characteristic Discipline Construction Project Implementation Plan, the Finance Department of Henan Province will invest 3.1 billion (CNY) in two stages to underpin the construction of these Leading and Characteristic Disciplines to make them world-leading disciplines and national Characteristic Disciplines.
       In the period of ‘the Thirteenth Five-year plan’, our university will attach the greatest importance to the construction of our Leading and Characteristic Disciplines to establish national Leading Disciplines and Characteristic Disciplines of provincial and university level. In order to promote the implementation, supervision and appraisal of this project, all concerned parties are required to further clarify the direction of development, to recruit Distinguished Professors, set up research team and establish research institutes. Additionally, goals and tasks should be identified to be demand-oriented, focus-ensured, overseen from the top-down with proper budget allocation. Our university will coordinate all concerned departments and schools, plan the projects as a whole and integrate all funding and resources to construct and manage these Leading and Characteristic Disciplines to best advantage for both the Province and our Nation.

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