董建树博士,2008年获山东大学理学学士学位, 2013年获中国科学院大学生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,同年获中国科学院院长优秀奖。2014-2017年任利物浦大学生物化学系兼整合生物学研究所Research Associate(Grade7)。2017年进入郑州大学药学院、药物研究院。发表二区及以上高质量SCI论文11篇,包含中科院一区论文9篇,平均单篇引用次数超过二十次。在酶催化机制方向取得研究进展。获河南省教育厅优秀科技论文奖一等奖1项,获河南省第五届自然科学学术奖二等奖1项。获授权国家发明专利1项。作为项目负责人主持承担国家自然科学基金青年项目1项(31900913)。参编国家重点图书出版规划项目英文教材1部。获郑州大学教师教学创新大赛特等奖,多次被学生评为网评优秀教师。
目前是中国生物物理学会会员,中科院1区SCI杂志Phytomedicine(IF5),ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(IF9)等多个国际权威SCI期刊特邀审稿人。
指导学生获得国家学业奖学金、指导学生获得学术科技作品竞赛奖,指导学生以第一作者身份发表SCI二区以上论文多篇。指导学生圆满完成高等学校本科教学质量工程大学生创新创业训练计划项目等。所指导的部分学生分别赴清华大学医学院(协和医院)、东南大学、中南大学、中国海洋大学、兰州大学、西安交通大学、中国药科大学、武汉大学、Coventry University、The University of Southern California等继续学习。所指导的部分学生到月薪>10K的企业、事业单位就业。
主持承担国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目编号: 31900913)
主持河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划(项目编号: 24A350017) 2024 -2025
[1] Dong J*. On Catalytic Kinetics of Enzymes. Processes. 2021; 9(2):271.
[2] Dong J, Sasaki D, Eady RR, Antonyuk SV, Hasnain SS*. Identification of a tyrosine switch in copper-haem nitrite reductases. IUCrJ. 2018;5:510-8.
[3] Dong J*, Li F, Gao F, Wei J, Lin Y, Zhang Y, Gong W* et al. Structure of tRNA-Modifying Enzyme TiaS and Motions of Its Substrate Binding Zinc Ribbon. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2018;430:4183-94. (*Correspondence)
[4] Li F#, Dong J#, Hu X#, Gong W, Li J, Shen J, et al. A covalent approach for site-specific RNA labeling in Mammalian cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2015;54:4597-602. (# Co-first authors)
[5] Liu X#, Li J#, Dong J#, Hu C, Gong W, Wang J. Genetic incorporation of a metal-chelating amino acid as a probe for protein electron transfer. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2012;51:10261-5. (# Co-first authors)
[6] Hussain S #, Dong J#*, Ma X, Li J, Chen S, Agboybor C, Liu H *, F-Box Only Protein 9 and its role in Cancer, Molecular Biology Reports, 2022;49,1537–1544, doi:10.1007/s11033-021-07057-7, (#Co-first authors, *Correspondence)
[7] Agboyibor C#, Dong J#, Effah CY, Drokow EK, Pervaiz W, Liu H*. LSD1 as a Biomarker and the Outcome of Its Inhibitors in the Clinical Trial: The Therapy Opportunity in Tumor. Journal of Oncology. 2021 Mar 25;2021:5512524. doi: 10.1155/2021/5512524. PMID: 33833800; PMCID: PMC8018836. (# Co-first authors)
[8] Agboyibor C#, Dong J#*, Effah CY, Drokow EK, Pervaiz W, Li D, Kang L, Ma, X, Li, J, Liu Z, & Liu H*. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lysine-Specific Demethylase 1 Expression as a Prognostic Biomarker of Cancer Survival and Disease Progression. Cancer Control. 2021, 28: 0-10732748211051557. doi: 10.1177/10732748211051557 (#Co-first authors, *Correspondence)
[9]Liu G, Song G, Zhang D, Zhang D, Li Z, Lyu Z, Dong J, et al. EF-G catalyzes tRNA translocation by disrupting interactions between decoding center and codon-anticodon duplex. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2014;21:817-24.
[10]Yang Y, Zhou Q, Wang L, Liu X, Zhang W, Hu M, Dong J, et al. Significant Improvement of Oxidase Activity through the Genetic Incorporation of a Redox-active Unnatural Amino Acid. Chemical Science. 2015;6:3881-5.
[11]Bi K, Zheng Y, Gao F, Dong J, Wang J, Wang Y, et al. Crystal structure of E. coli arginyl-tRNA synthetase and ligand binding studies revealed key residues in arginine recognition. Protein Cell. 2014;5:151-9.
[12] Agboyibor C#, Dong J#, Effah CY, Drokow EK, Ampomah-Wireko M, Pervaiz W, et al. Epigenetic compounds targeting pharmacological target lysine specific demethylase 1 and its impact on immunotherapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for treatment of tumor recurrence and resistance. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2023;157.
[13] Dong J#*, Pervaiz W#, Tayyab B, Li D, Kang L, Zhang H, Liu H*et al. A comprehensive comparative study on LSD1 in different cancers and tumor specific LSD1 inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2022;240.
[14] Naseem Y#, Zhang CF#, Zhou XY, Dong, J#*, Xie JC, Zhang HM, et al. Inhibitors Targeting the F-BOX Proteins. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2023.
[15] Dong, J*, Li D, Kang L, Luo C, Wang J. Insights into human eNOS, nNOS and iNOS structures and medicinal indications from statistical analyses of their interactions with bound compounds. Biophysics Reports. 2023;9:159-75.
国际会议报告Conference talk:
Dong, J (Speaker), Crystal structures of NO, nitrite complexed RpNiR provide insight into nitrite reduction mechanism catalysed by haem-c-CuNiRs, British Biophysical Society (英国生物物理学会)2016 Biennial Meeting。
郑州大学现配备拥有蛋白纯化系统AKTA Pure,AKTA prime 等。相互作用研究-生物物理学实验相关仪器:等温量热滴定(Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, ITC)、表面等离子共振( Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR-BiacoreS200)、生物膜干涉技术(Bio-Layer Interferometry,BLI-Pall FortéBio-Octet® RED96e)。蛋白质结晶机器TTP-Labtech Mosquito。高分辨质谱Q Exactive Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS),多功能酶标仪等。郑州大学现配备拥有高性能超级计算、智能计算等研究平台,配备相关软件系统。可以供本方向药学、结构生物学、计算结构生物学、计算化学、生物物理学等研究使用。