李凌霄,郑州大学直聘副研究员,硕士生导师,2022年于燕山大学获得博士学位。Adelaide大学访问学者,13届上银优秀博士论文奖获得者,国家资助博士后研究人员,燕山大学河南校友会理事,中国机械工程学会会员,中国材料学会会员。任JMPT,Metals,Thermal Science等SCI期刊审稿人。主要从事抗氢脆成形制造、抗疲劳制造,氢脆机理研究工作。主持河南省青年科学基金,中国博士后基金面上项目,郑州大学科研启动经费项目以及横向课题等多项研究课题,参与多项国家自然科学基金重点项目、联合项目、面上项目。先后在Corrosion Science,JMPT,MSEA等著名期刊发表研究论文20余篇。
[5] 河南省重大科技专项,关键零部件抗疲劳数字制造
[1] Xu, K., Y. L. Ma, S. Y. Huang, H. R. Zhang, G. Wang, G. Y. Qiao, F. R. Xiao, and L. X. Li, Effect of Hydrogen on Microstructure Evolution and Properties of High-Strain Pipeline Steel under Cyclic Strain Loading, Corrosion Science. 234 (2024) (中科院1区,Q1,IF:7.72)
[2] Wang, G., M. Wang, Z. H. Wang, G. T. Xu, M. H. Zhao, and L. X. Li, Characterization of Hydrogen Embrittlement Sensitivity of 18crnimo7-6 Alloy Steel Surface-Modified Layer Based on Scratch Method, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 71 (2024) 417-27(通讯作者,中科院4区,Q3,IF:1.043)
[3] Li, J., H. Hu, J. Wang, Z. Feng, L. X. Li, and B. Xue, Improving the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultralight Mg-Li-Zn Alloy by Multidirectional Asymmetric Rolling, Materials Today Communications. 37 (2023)(中科院3区,Q2,IF:5.2)
[4] Wang, C., L. X. Li, A. Zinovev, D. Terentyev, D. G. Wang, and M. A. Wahab, Estimation of Fretting Fatigue Lifetime in Heterogeneous Material Based on Microstructure Characterization and Multi-Scale Homogenization, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 126 (2023)(中科院2区,Q1,IF:4.374)
[5] L. X. Li, Y. Wang, J. Liu, X. Chen, P. Zhao, M. Sun, K. Xu, G. Xu, and F. Du, Hydrogen Transfer Behavior and Hydrogen Affected Zone Formation of Low Alloy Steel During Thermoplastic Deformation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 316 (2023) (中科院1区,Q1,IF:6.7)
[6]He, R., L. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Lee, T. Zhang, L.X. Li, et al., A Crmnfeconi High Entropy Alloy Boosting Oxygen Evolution/Reduction Reactions and Zinc-Air Battery Performance, Energy Storage Materials. 58 (2023) 287-98 (中科院1区,Q1,IF:18.9)
[7]Li, J., H. Hu, L. X. Li, J. Wang, Z. Feng, and B. Xue, Reducing Mechanical Anisotropy in Dual-Phase Mg-9li-1zn Alloy by Control of Single-Pass Reduction During Asymmetric Rolling, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. (2023) (中科院4区,Q2,IF:2.2)
[8] L. X. Li, Q. Du, M. Sun, X. Liu, and C. Zhao, Study on the Mechanism of Strengthening the Bonding Strength of Cu/Al Composite Strip by Cross Shear Behaviour from Vibration Cast-Rolling Process, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 121 (2022) 7413-26(中科院3区,Q2,IF:2.9)
[9] L. X. Li, J. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Zhang, and F. Du, Study on the Effect of Microstructure Gradients Caused by Heat Gradients on Hydrogen Embrittlement Sensitivity in Heavy Forgings, Metals. 12 (2022) (中科院3区,Q1,IF:2.6)
[10] L. X. Li, Q. Du, Y. Wang, K. Xu, M. Sun, J. Sun, and F. Du, Hydrogen Behavior During High-Temperature Plastic Deformation in Low-Alloy Steels, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 302 (2022) (中科院1区,Q1,IF:6.7)
[11] Wang, Y., H. Wang, L. X. Li, J. Liu, P. Zhao, and Z. Xu, The Effect of Symmetrically Tilt Grain Boundary of Aluminum on Hydrogen Diffusion, Metals. 12 (2022) (中科院3区,Q1,IF:2.6)
[12] Li, L. X., Y. H. Wang, M. H. Sun, and F. S. Du, First Principles Study on Interface Optimization Mechanism of Cu-Al Composite Plate and Strip by Vibration Cast-Rolling Technology, Composite Interfaces. 28 (2021) 1189-201(中科院4区,Q3,IF:2.839)
[13] Wang, W. J., Y. H. Wang, Y. F. Wang, L. X. Li, F. Q. Yu, and F. S. Du, Experimental Study on Interface Property of Titanium-Aluminum Composite Plate in Vibrating Cast-Rolling Forming, Suxing Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Plasticity Engineering. 28 (2021) 44-50(Q3,IF:1.2)
[14] Li, L. X., Y. H. Wang, W. J. Wang, J. Y. Liu, Z. Q. Xu, and F. S. Du, Mechanism and Prediction of Hydrogen Embrittlement Based on Complex Phase Structure of Chromium Alloy Steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 822 (2021)(中科院1区,Q1,IF:6.044)
[15] Sun, M. H., M. C. Fan, L. X. Li, Z. Q. Xu, and T. S. Yang, Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Foam Based on 3-D Stochastic Sphere Model, Heat Transfer. 49 (2020) 823-37(中科院4区,Q2,IF:2.9)
[16] Li, L. X., M. H. Sun, M. C. Fan, T. S. Yang, and F. S. Du, New Rapid Prototyping Technology for the Prevention of Hydrogen Embrittlement of Metal Strips, Corrosion Science. 164 (2020) (中科院1区,Q1,IF:7.72)
[17] Sun, M., Li, L. X., M. Fan, S. Guo, and F. Du, Influence Mechanism of Grain Refining Effect Caused by Vibration Cast-Rolling on Strip Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility, Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering. 30 (2019) 2934-38 and 52(Q3,IF:1.9)