






E-mail: lxwang@zzu.edu.cn


1994.7-1997.9 郑州工学院 橡塑模具国家工程研究中心 助教

1997.10-2001.10 郑州工业大学 橡塑模具国家工程研究中心 讲师

2001.11-至今 郑州大学 橡塑模具国家工程研究中心、力学与安全工程学院、微纳成型国家级国际联合研究中心 副教授(2001.11 教授(2004.11

2006.6-2006.9  台湾中原大学 访问学者

2008.8-2009.7  苏黎世联邦理工学院(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich 访问学者








1)国家科技进步二等奖, 1996










1.Dongfang, Wang; Chen, Wang;  Zhaojie, Bi; Baokai, Zhou; Lixia, Wang* ; Qian, Li; Lih-Sheng Turng*. Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene/poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (ePTFE/PHB) triboelectric nanogenerators and their potential applications as self-powered and sensing vascular grafts, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455, 140494(中科院一区TOPIF16.744

2.Wang Lixia ; Zhou Baokai; Bi Zhaojie; Wang Chen; Zheng, Lun ; Niu Hongbin;Cui Pengyuan ; Wang Dongfang ; Li Qian Fabrication of breathable Janus membranes with gradient unidirectional permeability by micro-imprintingSeparation and Purification Technology2022299: 121661(中科院一区TOPIF9.136

3. Wang, Lixia; Cui, Pengyuan; Bi, Zhaojie; Wang, Chen; Zhou, Baokai; Zheng, Lun; Niu, Hongbin; Wang, Dongfang;Li, Qian. Superhydrophobic ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene porous material with self-cleaning ability, long-term stability, and high durability, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2022446: 128792, (中科院一区,IF4.865

4. Wang, Lixia; Bi, Zhaojie; Wang, Chen; Wang, Dongfang; Li, Qian. Preparation of Porous UHMWPE Composites with Functional Bimodal Cellular Structure and Research on its Oil Absorption PerformanceMacromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022, 307, 2100881(中科院三区,IF: 4.402)

5. Wang, Lixia; Sun, Xiang; Wang, Dongfang; Wang, Chen; Bi, Zhaojie; Zhou, BK (Zhou, Baokai; Zheng, Lun;Niu, Hongbin; Cui, Pengyuan; Wang, Jian;Li, Qian. Construction of high-performance triboelectric nanogenerators based on the microstructures of conical nanoneedles, New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46(46): 22064-22075( IF3.925

6. Wang Lixia, Zheng Lun, Zhou, Lu, Shi Miaolei, Bi Zhaojie, Wang Chen, Wang Dongfang, Li Qian, Superhydrophobic ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene porous material with self-cleaning ability, long-term stability, and high durability, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2022, 62 (11):3511-3522

7. Wang, Lixia; Wang, Chen; Zhou, Lu; Bi, Zhaojie;  Shi, Miaolei; Wang, Dongfang; Li, Qian. Fabrication of a novel Three-Dimensional porous PCL/PLA tissue engineering scaffold with high connectivity for endothelial cell migration, European Polymer Journal, 2021,161( 11)1108341-12(中科院二区,IF5.546

8.Wang, Lixia; Jiang, Lin; Li, Shuang; Zhang, Yang; Wang, Dongfang; Li, Qian; Shen, Changyu. Influence of scale effect and injection speed on morphology and structure of the microinjection molded isotactic polypropylene parts. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2020, 31(7):1463-1473

9. Wang, Lixia ; Zhang, Yang; Jiang, Lin; Yang, Xuecheng; Zhou, Yiping; Wang, Xiaoyu; Li, Qian; Shen, Changyu; Turng, Lih-Sheng. Effect of injection speed on the mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene micro injection molded parts based on a nanoindentation test, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019,136( 14), 47329

10. Wang, Lixia ; Wang, Dongfang; Zhou, Yiping; Zhang, Yantao; Li, Qian;  Shen, Changyu. Fabrication of open-porous PCL/PLA tissue engineering scaffolds and the relationship of foaming process, morphology, and mechanical behavior,Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2019, 30(10): 2539-2548

11.Jiang, Lin; Wang, Lixia*; Li, Qian; Wang, Shucheng; Shen, Changyu. Morphology evolution for isotactic polypropylene: Experiment and simulation,Polymer Science - Series A, 2015, 57(5): 552-564

12. Wang Lixia*, Li Qian, Zhu Wenna, Shen Changyu, Scale effect on filling stage in micro-injection molding for thin slit cavity, Microsyst Technol18(12): 2085–20912012  

13. Wang Lixia*, Li Qian, Shen Changyu, The numerical simulation of the crystallization morphology evolution of semi-crystalline polymers in injection moldingPolymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, 201049(10)1036-1048    

14. Wang Lixia*, Li Qian, Shen Changyu et al. Effects of Process Parameters and Two-Way Interactions on Sink Mark Depth of Injection Molded Parts by Using the Design of Experiment MethodPolymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2008, 47(1): 30-35      

15. Shen Changyu, Wang  Lixia*, Li Qian. Numerical simulation of compressible flow with phase change of filling stage in injection molding . Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2007,26(4):353-372  

16. SHEN Changyu, WANG Lixia*, LI Qian. Optimization of injection molding process parameters using combination of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm method, Journal of Material Processing Technology.1832007):412-418  

17. SHEN ChangyuWANG Lixia*Cao Wei, Li Qian. Investigation of the effect of molding variables on the sink mark depth of plastic injection molded parts using Taguchi DOE, Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering200746219-225.    

18. 王利霞, 毕肇杰, 史淼磊, 王晨, 王东方,UHMWPE/PEG共混方式及配比对UHMWPE缠结行为及性能的影响, 化工学报,202273(2): 933-940

19.王利霞;周露; 富学宇;王东方; 赵幸一; 周诣平;李倩;申长雨,微发泡工艺与材料配比对聚己内酯/聚乳酸共混材料微发泡行为的影响, 高分子材料科学与工程20203612):1-6

20.王利霞*,李倩,王树成,申长雨,半结晶聚合物非等温结晶结构演化模拟,计算力学学报, 2012, 29(2)273-278
