1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,代数几何方法在离散可积系统中的应用(11601488),2017/01-2019/12,已结项.
2. 作为主要成员参与完成国家自然科学基金项目5项,其中面上项目2项(11471295,11971441),青年项目3项(11001250,11501520,11501521).
3. 主持2013年度河南省高等学校重点科研项目1项,离散可积模型流的拉直及其代数几何解(13B10365),已结项.
4. 主持2023年度校级教育教学改革研究与实践项目1项.
1. 2007年,《医用高等数学》教材,科学出版社, 参编;
2. 2021年,《医用高等数学》教材,郑州大学出版社,副主编(1/2)
1. Xianguo Geng, Xin Zeng, Algebro-geometric quasi-periodic solutions to the Satsuma- Hirota hierarchy, Physica D448(2023)133738
2. Xianuo Geng, Xin Zeng, Jiao Wei, Riemann surface and Riemann theta function solutions of the discrete integrable hierarchy, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 116(2018)365-375
3. Xin Zeng, Xianguo Geng, Finite-Band Solutions for the Hierarchy of Coupled Toda Lattices,Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 154(2018)59-81
4. Xianguo Geng, Xin Zeng, Quasi-periodic solutions of the Belov-Chaltikian lattice hierarchy,Reviews in Mathematical Physics 29(2017)1750025
5. Xianguo Geng, Xin Zeng, Application of the trigonal curve to the Blaszak-Marciniak Lattice hierarchy, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 190(2017)18-42
6. Xin Zeng, Xianguo Geng, On quasi-periodic solutions of the discrete Chen-Lee-Liu hierarchy, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 179(2014)649-678
7. Xin Zeng, Xianguo Geng, Algebro-Geometric Solutions of the discrete Ragnisco-Tu hierarchy, Reports on Mathematical Physics 73 (2014) 17-48
8. Xianguo Geng, Xin Zeng, Bo Xue,Algebro-Geometric Solutions of the TD hierarchy, Math Phys Anal Geom 16 (2013) 229-251
9. Deng-Shan Wang, Xin Zeng, Yuquan Ma, Exact vortex solitons in a quasi-two dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with spatially inhomogeneous cubic-quintic nonlinearity, Physics Letters A 376 (2012) 3067-3070
10. Xuelin Yong, Xin Zeng, Zhiyong Zhang, Yufu Chen, Symbolic computation of Jaccbi elliptic function solutions to nonlinear differential-difference equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 57(2009)1107.
11. Xin Zeng, Deng-shan Wang, A generalized extended rational expansion method and its application to (1+1)-dimensional dispersive long wave equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 212(2009)296.
12. Xin Zeng, Xuelin Yong, A new mapping method and its applications to nonlinear partial differential equations, Physics Letters A, 372(2008)6602-6607