时光如水,岁月如梭,我还没来得及跟你握手,你就已经悄悄从我身边走过。八月的末端,十一月的尾声,就这样悄无声息的走了……不知不觉中,我校研究生创新中心英语俱乐部每周一次的“英语角”主题活动已经陪伴我们三个月了,我们抱着对英语的满腔热忱,从初识,以微笑拉近距离,再到共同的话题,用英语敞开心扉,见证“英语角”活动的举行,参与活动的队伍不断地壮大。我们从中收获了欢乐与友谊,锻炼并提高了英语表达能力,也获得更广阔的视野。十二月份伊始,创新中心英语俱乐部将继续以培养同学们对英语的兴趣及提高英语口语水平为宗旨,为研究生同学提供畅谈英语的平台。我们的美藉外教每一次都会以他们的热情、幽默和极富感染力的快乐能量,通过口语对话、问题互答、疑难解析、游戏等活动的形式,与大家共度美好的口语时光。十二月份英语俱乐部为大家精心准备了热门话题,也将于2015年12月24日为大家呈现内容精彩的圣诞晚会,每周四晚18:00创新中心211,让我们不见不散!We want you!
Topic: Trust
We all have someone to trust with. They may be our parents or friends. The people we trust
share some common features.
Q1: Who in your life do you trust the most? How has that person gained or earned your trust?
Q2: How would you define trust? Is it just a feeling? Is it a decision?
Q3: How do you come to trust a person?
Topic: Gifts
In real life, giving and receiving gifts are common. We give gifts in birthday party, festivals
and sometimes without any special reason and we receive gifts as well in such days.
Q1: What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?
Q2: What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone else? Why was it special?
Q3: If you were given $1 million to buy gifts for your family and friends, what would you
buy them and why?
Topic: Relationship between Parents and Children
In China, it is commonly said that parents live for their children, as they sacrificed a lot to
raise their own children, and children also live for their parents, for some children tend to
live up to their parents expectations when it comes to attending colleges or deciding where to
work, even whom to marry.
Q1: To what extent do you agree with this saying? Can you numerate some reasons?
Q2: What is the biggest sacrifice that your parents made impressed you most? And what you
have done so far in return?
Q3: When you become a parent, how do you like to raise your children?
Topic: Keeping Fit
Health is a lifelong topic, and doing sports regularly can be beneficial for our health. There may
be different ways for different people to keep fit.
Q1: What’s your unique way to keep fit?
Q2: What’s your opinion of keeping fit?
Q3: What do you do in our campus to keep fit?