
作者:化学与分子工程学院 时间:2017-11-20 点击数:




无机学科已经培养了50余名博士研究生,400余名硕士研究生。近二十年来,本学科主持了国家自然科学基金50项,“973”项目2项,科技部中国-澳大利亚国际合作项目1项,研究成果已在Nature Chemistry、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Coord. Chem. Rev.、Adv. Mater、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Chem. Mater.、J. Mater. Chem.等杂志上发表。本学科教师已经在2014年、2015年和2016年连续三年被Elsevier旗下的Scopus数据库评为中国高被引学者。


When Zhengzhou University was founded in 1956, the department of inorganic chemistry was also established. In 1981, it was approved to confer master degree by the State Council Degree office of China, which was one of the earliest departments in Zhengzhou University to obtain this license. The department of inorganic chemistry has been approved as the key subject of Henan Province since 1988, and was approved to confer doctor degree in 2003 with No.1 communication accreditationrecommendationby the State Council of China.

There are 36 members in this department, 30 of which are doctors, including 15 professors, 14 associate professors, 7 lecturers, and 25 of which are under 45 years old. Especially, there are two experts with special allowance of State Council, two distinguished Professors of Henan Province, two New century talent award winners of Ministry of Education, one winner of excellent youthful teacher program of Ministry of Education, one winner of backbone teacher fund of Ministry of Education.

More than 50 PhD. students have been obtained their degrees since 2003, and 400 masters graduated. In the last decades, the department were approved 50 funds of NSFC, two "973" project, one international cooperation project established by science and technology Ministry of China and Australia. The responding research results have been published in top international journals, such as Nature Chemistry, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Coord. Chem. Rev., Adv. Mater, Adv. Funct., Mater. Chem. Mater. J., Mater. Chem., Chem. Commun., Chem. Eur., J. Macromolecules, and Inorg. Chem.. Especially, members in this department were approved as high-cited-annual Chinese scholars three times by Elsevier's Scopus database (2014th, 2015thand 2016th).












Analytical Chemistry

The department of Analytical Chemistry hasDiscipline for Master and Doctoral Degrees Programs, and research field coversa wide range of exciting fundamental and applied research with focus on: development for toxin separation and enrichment;Contactless conductivity detection with ultrahigh sensitivity;state-of-the-artnanomaterialdevelopment for bio-electrochemical sensing and fluorescence technology; and instrumental development in spectroscopy for environmental toxin detection.

Spectroscopyand molecular sensing

The corresponding research is focused on chemical biology, chemical analysis and safety evaluation on food and drug. Some topics of interest include: identifications of biological macromolecule and small drug molecule, applications of fluorescent nanomaterial and quantum dot on molecular markers, and molecular sensing. A number of important results have been achieved in this field.

Nanomaterials and bioelectrochemical analysis

The essence of life process is electron transfer process, which plays a special role on energy conversion, nerve conduction, photosynthesis and respiration. The electrochemical analysis on biomolecules has always been a research hotspot in the field of biochemical study,andthe new nanomaterials has provided the new method to investigate the biological electrochemical analysis, which greatly increases the selectivity and sensitivity of the biological electrochemical analysis.

Modern separation technology and food safety analysis

Chromatography and capillary electrophoresis, which provide rapid analysis of complex system, are particularly suitable for food analysis. Our future research will concentrate ondesign and synthesis ofnovel functional materials, for examplecalixarene, for chromatographic column, development of new methods for capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection, and the applications of chromatography and capillary electrophoresis on quick detection of illegal food additives.

Chemical analysis of environmental toxic substances

Our research is focused on preparation and characterization of cheap and effective adsorbents, development of new methods of removing and enriching toxic components, such as heavy metal ions, dyes and chlorinated phenols, from wastewater and other mediums, and investigation of speciation, bioavailability and toxicity of heavy metals.



Physical Chemistry

The Department of Physical Chemistry currently has 37 faculty members of whom14 areprofessors and 11 are associate professors. Among the faculty, one is anOutstanding teacher of Henan Province. Currently, the department offers four year undergraduate programs for the B.S. degree and three year graduate programs for the M.S. degrees in physical chemistry, Catalytic chemistry andPolymer chemistry. It also offers programs for the Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering and technology and in polymer materials and engineering. Currently, our faculty members work in our department in the following four areas: 1) Green catalytic chemistry andindustrial catalysis, 2) Synthesis and application of functional materials, 3) Electrochemistry and green power, 4) Quantum computational chemistry. In the education period, 20-40 journal papers were annuallypublished with the affiliation of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering at Zhengzhou University, and 2-5 invention patents were annually licensed by China’s State Intellectual Property Office. The Department of Physical Chemistry undertook several key projects from the nation and industry in catalysis and functional polymer materials.





Organic Chemistry

The organic chemistry of College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (the former department of chemistry) was found in 1956. Many famous professors, such as Prof. Mo-Geng Xu, Prof. Chuan Liu, Prof. Yao-Wu Ji, worked in this department since then. The world well-known organic chemist, academician of CAS, Prof. Yang-Jie Wu has worked in this department around 60 years since he returned from Moscow state university in 1958. As the first academic leader of Organic Chemistry, Prof. Wu have found Doctoral programs of organic chemistry, Post-Doctoral Working Base, Key Laboratory of Applied Chemistry of Henan Universities, Key Laboratory of chemistry and Biology of Henan, and make the outstanding contributions for the Chemistry Department’s development.

The College of Chemistry and molecular engineering offers both doctoral programs and master's program in organic chemistry. And Post-doctoral programs are encouraged. The organic faculty members have established Key Laboratory of Applied Chemistry of Henan Universities (1998), Key Laboratory of chemistry Biology of Zhengzhou University (2003), and New drug research center of Zhengzhou University (2004). The Key Laboratory of chemistry and Biology of Henan is one of the top local research center, which was found by Prof. Yu-Fen Zhao and Prof. Yang-Jie Wu in 2004.

There are two Chinese academician, one foreign academician, two Distinguished Professor of Henan Province, 23 professors, and 15 associate professors are working in Organic chemistry. And they have established world-renowned research programs in fields such as organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, organometallics, pharmaceutical chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, biological chemistry, and material chemistry.

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