2021年入职郑州大学基础医学院病原生物学系,现从事致病性原虫的物种鉴定、致病机制及防治技术等研究。参加教改项目2项、发表教学研究型论文2篇;主持青年教师专项科研启动基金1项,指导大学生创新创业训练计划项目2项,参与了包括国家自然基金项目在内的多个科研项目,在国内外公开刊物上参与发表科研论文7篇,其中第一作者发表4篇。E-mail:ls1619@zzu.edu.cn, lishuang1619@163.com。
(1) Shuang Li; Zhu Ying; Yangfei Xue; Zhepeng Sun; Jing Liu; Qun Liu; Effects of different drugs and hormone treatment on Toxoplasma gondii glutathione S-transferase 2, Parasites &Vectors, 2022, 15(1)
(2) Shuang Li; Jing Liu; Heng Zhang; Zhepeng Sun; Zhu Ying; Yihan Wu; Jianhai Xu; Qun Liu; Toxoplasma gondii glutathione S‐transferase 2 plays an important role in partial secretoryprotein transport, The FASEB Journal, 2021, 35(2): e21352
(3) Yihan Wu; Zhu Ying; Jing Liu; Zhepeng Sun; Shuang Li S; Depletion of Toxoplasma adenine nucleotide translocator leads to defects in mitochondrial morphology, Parasites & Vectors, 2022,15(1): 185
(4) Heng Zhang; Jing Liu; Zhu Ying; Shuang Li; Yihan Wu; Qun Liu; Toxoplasma gondii UBL-UBA shuttle proteins contribute to the degradation of ubiquitinylated proteins and are important for synchronous cell division and virulence, FASEB J, 2020, 34(10): 13711-13725
(5) 李爽;刘群; 弓形虫分泌蛋白转运机制的研究进展, 中国兽医杂志, 2021, 57(6): 85-88
(6) 李爽;刘群; 寄生虫谷胱甘肽转移酶的研究进展, 中国兽医科学, 2020, 51(01): 113-118