个人简历:朱润清,中共党员,博士毕业于厦门大学管理学院中国能源政策研究院,在《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》、《Energy Policy》、《Journal of Global Information Management》、《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》等国际期刊上发表多篇SCI/SSCI论文。
2014.09—2018.06 辽宁大学商学院工程管理专业(本科)
[1] Lin Boqiang, Zhu Runqing. Energy efficiency of the mining sector in China, what are the main influence factors?Resources, Conservation and Recycling.2021;167:105321. (SCI,中科院1区)
[2] Zhu Runqing, Lin Boqiang. Energy and carbon performance improvement in China's mining Industry:Evidence from the 11th and 12th five-year plan.Energy Policy. 2021;154:112312. (SSCI,JCRQ1,ABS 2星)
[3] Lin Boqiang, Zhu Runqing. How does market-oriented reform influence the rebound effect of China’s mining industry?Economic Analysis and Policy. 2022;74:34-44. (SSCI,JCR Q1,ABS1星)
[4] Zhu, Runqing, Yufang Chen, and Boqiang Lin. "How “Informing Consumers” Impacts Willingness to Pay for Renewable Energy Electricity in China,"Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)30, no.1: 1-23. (SSCI,JCRQ2,ABS2星)
[5] Lin, Boqiang, and Runqing Zhu. "What Information Do We Have on the Government's Environmental Management?: A Perspective of Energy and Carbon Performance in China's Mining Industry,"Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)31, no.1: 1-22.(SSCI,JCRQ2,ABS2星)
[6] Boqiang Lin, Runqing Zhu, Muhammad Yousaf Raza,Fuel substitution and environmental sustainability in India: Perspectives of technical progress,Energy,Volume 261, Part B,2022 (SCI,中科院1区)
[7] Zhu, Runqing, Zuopeng Justin Zhang, and Boqiang Lin. "Impact of technological innovation on China's mining industry: Perspectives of energy and environmental performance."Environmental Impact Assessment Review108 (2024): 107586.(SSCI,JCRQ1)