杜亚娜,管理学博士,郑州大学商学院工商管理系副教授,硕士生导师,博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学经济与管理学院工商管理专业。研究方向为组织行为学与人力资源管理。主持国家自然科学基金1项、省级项目1项、厅级项目1项、教改项目1项,在国内外刊物发表期刊与教学论文16篇,参编教材和著作3部。美国管理学会(AOM)、中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)会员。International Journal of Stress Management, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Journal of Managerial Psychology等SSCI期刊及AOM、IACMR等国际会议的匿名审稿人。
2018.7至今 郑州大学 商学院 工商管理系
2.2021年度郑州大学教育教学改革研究与实践项目一般项目(2021ZZUJGLX073). TBL模式在组织行为学课程中的研究与实践.已结题
4.2024年度河南省软科学研究计划项目一般项目 (242400410112).工作要求-资源匹配对企业科技人才创造力的影响研究:环境匹配的视角.在研
[1]Yana Du, Chaoran Yang,Yixuan Zhao,&Ying Xia. How the workplace usage of AI in China influences proactive behaviour? The role of pride and shame.Asia Pacific Business Review, 2024. published online. (SSCI/ JCR Q3)
[2]Yana Du, Meizhen Xiao, Zewei Li, Yifei Shen. Effect of job demands-control match onemployee creativity: perspective of match in the context of job design.Current Psychology,2024,43(15):13706-13720 .(SSCI/ JCR Q2)
[3]Yana Du, Jiangyu Li, Qi Xu. Are you satisfied when your job fits? The perspective of careermanagement.Baltic Journal of Management. 2023,18(5): 563-578.(SSCI/JCR Q3)
[4]Long Chen,Yana Du*. The impact of role overload on job crafting from the perspective of construal level theory.Personnel Review. 2023, 52(8): 1953-19749.(SSCI//JCR Q2)
[5]Shanliang Zhang, Xuefei Liu,Yana Du*. When and how authoritarian leadership influences employee innovation behavior in the context of Chinese culture.Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 2021, 42(5): 722-734.(SSCI//JCR Q3)
[6]Yana Du, Li Zhang, Qiong Bu, Aldo Kurniawan. Is job control always beneficial? Exploring its non-linearity in creativity and in-role performance.Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 2020, 37(3): 211-224.(SSCI//JCR Q4)
[7]Yana Du, Li Zhang, & Zhenduo Zhang. Resources matter: Combined influence of job demands and job control on creative process engagement.The Journal of Psychology. 2019, 153(2): 141-160.(SSCI//JCR Q2)
[8]Yana Du, Li Zhang, & Amanuel G. Tekleab. Job strains, job control, and POS on employee performance: An interactionist perspective.Journal of Business Research.2018, 82: 213-219(SSCI//JCR Q1)
[9]Yana Du,Ping Li, & Li Zhang. Linking job control to employee creativity: The roles of creative self-efficacy and regulatory focus.Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 2018, 21(3): 187-197.(SSCI/ /JCR Q4)
[10]Yana Du, Li Zhang, & Yanhong Chen. From creative process engagement to performance: Bidirectional support.Leadership & Organization Development Journal.2016, 37(7): 966-982.(SSCI//JCR Q3)
[13]步琼,张莉,杜亚娜.感知团队异质性对员工创造力的影响:二元工作压力的调节作用.工业工程与管理, 2018, 23(1): 8-15(CSSCI)
[14]步琼,张莉,杜亚娜.双元工作压力情境下感知深层差异对员工创造力的影响.中国人力资源开发,2017(08): 16-24(CSSCI)
[1]杜亚娜.大学生团队学习行为和团队知识共享的培养——团队学习模式在管理学课程中的应用研究.公关世界,2020(18): 69-71.
[2]杜亚娜,团队学习模式(TBL)在组织行为学课程中的研究与实践,未来与发展,2023, 47(02): 73-76
1.杜亚娜,董欣雨, &钱珊珊.领导环境支持对员工绿色创造力的影响机制研究.第十九届中国管理学年会·数字化转型与生态管理. 2024.10.25-27,苏州,录用并作报告
3.Yaqi Su &Yana Du. Howto be creative overqualified employees? The internal mechanism based on job crafting towards strengths and interests. The 10thbiennial IACMR conference. 2023.6.14-18. Hong Kong,录用并作报告
5.Xiyuan Wang, &Yana Du*.Mental model on creativity and task performance. The 12th Asia Academy of ManagementBiannual Conference(AAOM).June 11-13, 2022, Lanzhou.录用并作报告.
6.Yana Du,& Long Chen. To Violate Instructions or Not to? Effect of Job Control on Creative Deviance. 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-13, 2019, Boston, America.录用并作报告
7.Yana Du& Li Zhang. Is job control beneficial to creative deviance? Different roles of creative process engagement and regulatory focus. 5th Frontiers of Business Research in China Annual Conference. June 10-12, 2018, Beijing.录用并作报告
8.Yana Du& Li Zhang. How changes in job demands and job control predict creative process engagement. IACMR’s 7th Biennial Conference. June 15-19, 2016, Hangzhou.录用并作报告
9.Yana Du& Li Zhang. Impact of supervisor support for creativity on employee creativity: Different motivation and attribution roles of intrinsic motivation and attribution. 2015 IACMR Research Methods Workshop. July 12-16, 2015, Tianjin.录用并作报告
10.Yana Du, Li Zhang, & Amanuel G. Tekleab. An interactive view of the roles of job control, job strain, and perceived organizational support on employee in-role performance. 9th Asia Academy of Management and 8th Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference. June 22-24, 2015, Hong Kong.录用并作报告