

唐敏瑶,女,重庆人,哲学博士。博士毕业于英国谢菲尔德大学新闻系。20214月起就职于郑州大学新闻与传播学院。2015 年至2020年担任英国新闻史研究中心的助理研究员工作。



1.      Conboy, M. and Tang, M. (2016). Core Blighty? How Journalists Define Themselves Through Metaphor: British Journalism Review 2011–2014. Journalism Studies, pp.1-12. SSCI一区期刊)

2.      Tang, M. (2017). Metaphorical Mirrors of the West: China in the British Financial Press. Historia Y Comunicación Social (History of Social Communication), 22(2), pp.397- 413.A&HCI期刊)

3.      Xu, T. and Tang M.* (2021). ‘Tell China’ Story Well’: Ethical Orientations of Chinese Journalists in International Reporting, in Price, L., Wyatt, W. and Sanders, K. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics. London: Routledge. (劳特利奇出版社书章)



1.      Conboy, M. and Tang, M. (2015). “Core Blighty? How Journalists Define Themselves Through Metaphor: British Journalism Review 2011–2014.” Future of Journalism conference, 英国卡迪夫大学.

2.      Tang, M. (2016). “Metaphor and Memory: China in the British Economic Press.” International Association for Media and Communication Research conference (IAMCR), 英国莱斯特大学.

3.      Tang, M. (2016). “Metaphorical Mirrors of the West: China in the British Economic Press.” Metaphor Festival 2016, 荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学.

4.      Tang, M. (2017). “National imagination of China in the British Financial Press.” Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED VI), 英国谢菲尔德大学.

5.      Tang, M. and Xu, T. (2017). “International Politics: It’s the Economy, (Metaphorically). Metaphors of China in the Financial Press.” International Journal of Press/Politics conference, 英国牛津大学.

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